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Ayurvedic Medicine for Breast Lump

Fibroadenoma is something a lot of women are unfamiliar with; however, it is a common health disorder. A painless lump in the breast is known as fibroadenoma. This lump in the breast is unilateral and hardly harmful as it is non-carcinogenic. Women aged between 15-35 often suffer from this ailment, though, any woman in her periods can suffer from this disease. This lump is not only harmless, but it easily moves within the breast when touched. It has a rubbery or firm texture. Ayurvedic treatment for breast pain lists effective Ayurvedic medicine for breast lump. Fibroadenoma treatment in Ayurveda also advocates including habit changes to treat this disease effectively.

These breast lumps rarely grow out of proportion and some of them shrink with the progression of time. You may opt for a surgical removal of the lump as well. You can also consume specific Ayurvedic medicine for fibroadenoma to shrink the size of your lump.

Interested in natural treatment options? Schedule a consultation to explore Ayurvedic solutions. Contact us via WhatsApp or call us for more details.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Breast Lump

As briefly mentioned above, there are specific Ayurvedic medicine for breast lump that have shown encouraging results in reducing the size of the lump and treating this disease effectively. Some of the best Ayurvedic medicine for breast fibroadenoma are Kanchanara Guggulu, Varunadi Kashaya, and Haridra Khanda. Specific features of these herbs are discussed below.

  • Kanchanara Guggulu: This Ayurvedic formulation cures Kapha accumulations in the body. This formulation has Kanchanara, Triphala, and Trikatu mixed with guggulu. This formulation eliminates the accumulation of corrupted kapha from the body. This fibroadenoma medicine smoothens the functioning of the lymphatic and digestive systems. The anti-carcinogenic properties of this formulation reduce the size of the tumor mass in the breasts as well. It is the best Ayurvedic medicine for breast fibroadenoma.
  • Haridra Khanda: Haridra Khanda eliminates the corrupted doshas from the body. The presence of Turmeric makes this herb an excellent blood purifier. This Ayurvedic herb has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties and helps in managing the complexities associated with this disease.
  • Triphala: Triphala is also one of the best Ayurvedic medicine for breast fibroadenoma. The detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic properties of this herb keep a check on the overgrowth of the tumor in the breast tissues. This way, Triphala keeps a check on the size of the breast lump.

Ready to try Ayurvedic remedies? Book an appointment with our specialists today. We’re available on WhatsApp and by phone to answer any questions.

Ayurvedic treatment for breast pain also vociferously advocates the addition of lifestyle changes. These changes can pertain to diet or lifestyle habits. Some of the habits that may help you with the management of breast lumps are:

  • Collagen-rich foods like nuts, salmon, sardines, pork broth, etc. encourage the formation of skin cells in the body. Include them in your daily diet to manage breast pain.
  • If possible, avoid wearing tight-fitting bras.
  • Include Yoga in your daily routine. Ayurvedic treatment for breast pain is incomplete without managing your overall health. Asanas such as Child’s pose, Seated Spinal Twist, Warrior pose, Cow face pose, Bridge and Wheel pose, etc. are great for breast health.
  • If you notice any abnormal changes in the size or texture of your breast lump, contact your doctor immediately.

Fibroadenoma is a common breast disorder and is nothing to worry about. However, you still need to monitor your lump regularly and take appropriate medicines to shrink the size of the lump. Ayurvedic treatment for breast pain is an excellent way to treat this breast disorder via appropriate Ayurvedic medicine for breast lump and diet changes. If you notice any abnormalities regarding your breasts, contact your doctor immediately.

Don’t wait—take charge of your health today! Book an appointment now. For immediate support, contact us via WhatsApp or call us.

Disclaimer: The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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