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Kidney or renal failure is a medical condition when the functioning of your kidneys has deteriorated significantly. They are unable to filter blood properly, leading to the accumulation of wastes in the body. Kidney failure is also called end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Ayurvedic treatment for chronic renal failure focuses on slowing down the progression of the disease, especially if your renal failure is at the early stages. The best renal failure treatment in Ayurveda makes use of appropriate herbs to reverse the damage accumulated in the kidneys.

Beginning Stages of Renal Failure

When your renal failure is in the early stages, you may not even notice any signs of symptoms. CKD stage 1 rarely has any tangible symptoms and there are not any visible changes to the functioning of your kidneys as well. It is only when your CKD has progressed to stage 3 and onwards, that you see a marked decline in your renal functions. Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease utilizes potent herbs to completely reverse the damage accumulated in the early stages of renal failure.

Symptoms of Early-Stage Renal Failure

  • Mild swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, or around the eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dry or itchy skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased mental sharpness
  • Muscle cramp
  • Fever
  • Rashes

Causes of Kidney Failure


The following tests are used to diagnose any aberrations in the functioning of the kidneys:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine output measures
  • Urine tests
  • Imaging tests like ultrasound and CT scans
  • Kidney biopsy
  • eGFR blood test

Best Renal Failure Treatment in Ayurveda

The best kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda aims at restricting the progress of the disease. This is achieved by Ayurvedic herbs and specific lifestyle changes. The following herbs are used to treat early-stage CKD in Ayurveda:

  • Punarnava: Punarnava’s diuretic properties encourage a healthy urine outflow from the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb reduce swelling and inflammation caused by early-stage CKD. In addition to this, the regenerative properties of this herb rejuvenate and regenerate kidney tissues.
  • Kaasni: Kaasni works on tissues and soothes kidney irritation as it has anti-inflammatory properties. This herb improves your overall renal health and reverses the damage accumulated in the kidneys.
  • Gokshura: Gokshura has cooling properties that soothe and reduce inflammation in the renal tissues. Gokshura is also effective in managing kidney infections and slowing down the progression of kidney diseases.
  • Shatavari: Shatavari has anti-inflammatory properties that put a check on renal infections. Apart from this, Shatavari is also helpful in reducing inflammation in the kidney tissues and improving overall renal health.

Lifestyle Changes Recommended to Renal Patients

  • Do not consume a high-salt diet, as consuming a diet rich in salt increases your blood pressure which eventually damages your kidney tissues and weakens your renal functions.
  • Manage your blood glucose and blood pressure; diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney diseases. Do not consume sugar in high quantities.
  • Always keep yourself well-hydrated. When you drink an adequate amount of water, it helps with the effective flush-out of toxins from the body, thereby reducing your chances of getting renal infections or other renal disorders.
  • Consuming aerated, carbonated drinks may dehydrate you quickly and negatively impact your renal health; do not consume it if you are a CKD patient.
  • Frozen and processed foods are high in salt, as makers use a lot of salt to preserve them; keep them away from your daily diet. Additionally, the nutrient quotient of these foods is on the lower side too.
  • A diet rich in animal-based protein is normally not good for CKD patients, as our kidneys have to work hard to filter out the extra protein from the body. If possible, replace animal-based protein with plant-based protein such as legumes, cheese, etc. You can have egg whites after consulting with your doctor.
  • If your health permits, do exercises. Good cardiovascular health results in improved renal functioning. Exercises such as jogging, walking, Yoga, etc. are perfect for renal patients. However, be sure to do low-impact exercises only that too after having a detailed consultation with your doctor.
  • If your CKD is at an early stage, consume a diet rich in fiber. Broccoli, artichokes, cauliflower, oatmeal, split peas, etc. are perfect for CKD patients.
  • Stay away from high-potassium foods; Include low-potassium foods like apples, cauliflower, peppers, grapes, and strawberries in your diet.
  • Yoga asanas like cobra pose, child’s pose, warrior pose, etc. are good choices for kidney patients. These asanas boost blood flow towards the kidneys and help improve your renal health.
  • Do not smoke or drink; alcohol and tobacco are linked with deteriorating renal health. Smoking affects kidney tissues negatively and drinking alcohol excessively harms liver tissues and causes heart diseases.
  • Meditate regularly to manage your stress. Deep-breathing exercises, anulom-vilom, etc. are some of the best exercises for lowering stress.
  • Make herbal teas a part of your life; green tea, dandelion root tea, etc. are perfect for not only improving your renal health but strengthening your immunity as well.

Kidney failure at the early stages is easily treatable, provided you start the treatment swiftly and adhere to the diet restrictions religiously. Not treating your renal disease in time can have devastating outcomes in the future for you.

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026