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Best Diet For Renal Failure

What is the goal of a kidney-friendly diet?

The primary function of your kidneys is to eliminate waste and excess fluid from your body through urine. They also maintain the body’s mineral and fluid balance and produce a hormone that controls blood pressure. A renal-friendly diet will aid in the prevention of additional kidney damage. Some foods and fluids must be limited so that other fluids and minerals, such as electrolytes, do not build up in your body.

In addition, you must ensure that your daily diet has the appropriate amounts of protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals. There are a few foods that you must avoid if you have early-stage renal disease. However, as your sickness progresses, you’ll need to be more cautious about what you eat on a daily basis. Here we have tried to present the best diet for renal failure as well as the food which must be avoided.

Protect your kidneys with a tailored diet plan. Consult our renal dietitian to create a personalized nutrition strategy.

What Foods Aid Kidney Repair?

If you have chronic renal illness, it’s vital to maintain track of your food and fluid consumption since diseased kidneys can’t eliminate waste items from the body way healthy kidneys can. Here are some healthy diet for kidney failure or kidney repairing diet that will aid in the healing of your kidneys and keep you healthy for longer.

  • Apples: It can help to decrease cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It has a lot of antioxidants. It is also a fact that the quantity of vitamin C content is sufficient in apples.
  • Blueberries: Blueberries are a low-calorie, high-fiber, high-vitamin C source. According to studies, it has the ability to protect against cancer and heart disease, as well as improve brain health.
  • Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in some fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna. It aids in the regulation of blood clotting and the formation of cell membranes in the brain. It also reduces the chance of an irregular heartbeat and somewhat lowers blood pressure.
  • Spinach: It is high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate. Spinach contains beta-carotene, which helps to increase immunity and protect vision. It’s also true that it also have a significant amount of magnesium.
  • Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are strong, insoluble fiber, and low in sugar and can help you feel more invigorated or energised.
  • Some other fruits & veggies: Cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, pineapples, cabbage, cucumber, beans, and other fruits and vegetables can also be incorporated.

Which foods should you avoid if you have renal disease?

If you have renal disease, many foods that are normally included in a balanced diet may be harmful to you. If you have the renal illness, your doctor may advise you to avoid certain foods, such as those listed below-

  • Salt: Limit your intake of table salt and high-sodium seasonings. Sodium affects your blood pressure and aids in the maintenance of your body’s water level. Salt should be avoided if you have ankle edema, high blood pressure, breathing problems, or fluid build-up around your heart and lungs.
  • Potassium: High potassium levels in the blood can cause major heart problems in people with kidney disease. This mineral keeps your neurons and muscles in good operating order. Potassium-rich foods such as tomatoes, oranges, bananas, potatoes, and whole-grain bread should be avoided.
  • Protein: While protein is necessary for your body, too much protein causes your kidneys to work harder, which can exacerbate kidney disease. Consult your nutritionist for the best protein combination and amount for you. Foods like meat, seafood, and dairy items may need to be cut.
  • Phosphorus: Limit your intake of foods high in phosphorus, such as meat, fish, dairy, beans, nuts, whole-grain bread, packaged foods, and dark-colored drinks. If you have advanced renal illness, eat low-phosphorus meals such as fresh fruits and vegetables, corn, rice, and cereal.
  • Calcium: Your doctor may urge you to avoid over-the-counter calcium supplements and limit calcium-rich meals such as dairy products. The Calcium-rich foods have also good phosphorus content.
  • Fluids: In general, you should keep your body’s water level constant. You must, however, limit your fluid intake if you have early-stage kidney disease. Too much fluid can be bad for you if your kidneys are compromised and you can’t get rid of them.

Get expert advice on what to avoid in your diet. Book a session with our nutritionists for a comprehensive kidney health plan.

When you’re on dialysis, how can you have best diet for renal failure?

You’ll need to keep your blood sugar under control to keep your kidneys from deteriorating more. A kidney-friendly diet includes many of the same foods as a standard diet, but there are a few key distinctions. If you’re on dialysis, there are a few foods given below that are beneficial to you-

  • Fruits like Berries, papaya, cherries, apples.
  • Vegetables like Cauliflower, onions, and spinach.
  • Carbohydrates: whole-wheat bread, sandwich buns, unsalted crackers, and pasta are all good sources of carbohydrates.
  • Water, clear soups and unsweetened tea are all good sources of fluids.
  • If you drink orange juice to treat low blood sugar, switch to apple juice, which is better for your kidneys. With far less potassium, it will deliver the same blood sugar rise.
  • Late-stage disease: Your blood sugar levels improve as your kidney disease progresses, possibly due to changes in how your body uses insulin.

Your doctor and/or dietitian will work with you to develop a meal plan for kidney failure that helps you maintain blood sugar control while minimizing sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and fluid intake. For a healthy diet for kidney failure, we have discussed all the possible diets which you can maintain easily.

On dialysis and need a diet plan? Schedule a consultation with our experts to get a kidney-friendly meal plan tailored to your needs.

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