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Are Mangoes Good for Kidney patients?

We don’t know about you, but we find mango the ultimate LIPSMACKING fruit. Did you ever have a fight with your siblings over mangoes? Or did you guys have a devour mango moment? There are so many mango moments from our childhood that can be discussed. But here we will be talking about mangoes are good for kidney patients, through the eyes of kidney treatment in Ayurveda.

What are mangoes?

To be honest, if you don’t know mangoes, you know nothing! Mango is the king of fruits; it is the national fruit of India. It comes in more than 2000 varieties. Yes! You read that right. Some of them are popular by the names Alphonso (Haphoos), Langda, Dasheri, Chaunsa, Badami, Kesar, Mulgoba, Neelam, Raspuri, Himsagar, Totapuri, etc. Out of all the varieties, Alphonso is the most loved and costly mango. It is cultivated in the western parts of India. Though we have been taught that mango is yellow in color that is so untrue. It comes in different sizes and colors; yellow, green, red, etc.

Are mangoes good for kidney patients?

Are mangoes good for kidney patients? Viewing through the eyes of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure; the answer to your question is yes! And that is why exactly we are going to tell you the five reasons telling that Mangoes are good for kidneys as per the guidelines of the Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally. It is often heard from peers or acquaintances that mango is not suitable for kidney patients. But we will give you five reasons to include mangoes to the diet of kidney patients.

Consult Us Now, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us: Discover how mangoes can be beneficial for your kidneys with a personalized Ayurvedic plan!

Reason number one: It helps in preventing the formation of kidney stones

Oh yes! It is 100% authentic and scientifically proven that mangoes prevent kidney stones. Mangoes contain citrate, which is known for removing kidney stones. It also prevents the accumulation of wastes that may help in building up the stones. Mangoes are diuretic that becomes in the process of waste build-up. So, mangoes are good for kidney patients.

Include mangoes in your diet and consult our Ayurvedic expertsMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us for a comprehensive plan!

Reason number two: Help the kidneys in removing toxins

Mangoes, especially the raw mangoes, are rich with antioxidant components that help the kidneys to remove the toxins from the body.

Reason number three: It helps to regulate blood pressure

Mangoes contain a high amount of potassium, which helps the kidneys in controlling the blood flow coming from arteries and veins.

Reason number four: It helps in preventing infections

Mangoes are a good source of antioxidant components that help prevent skin infections and the damaged tissues of kidneys.

Reason number five: It is a proven acidity regulator

It is rarely known that mangoes are the best acidity regulators. They help in better digestion and prevent constipation.

Mangoes are rich in potassium, vitamin C, iron, antioxidant components, and other 16 more nutrients, which help keep the kidneys healthy. It is so strange that people are spreading rumors about mangoes being the harmful fruit for kidneys. Since childhood, our mothers and grandmothers have told us the numerous benefits of mangoes. They are good for kidney patients, maintaining the heart-health, skin, cosmetically beneficial, etc.

Now let us talk about the raw mangoes that look green and have pungent taste. According to the Ayurvedic kidney treatment naturally, other than the benefits mentioned earlier, this type of mango is like a boon sent straight from the mighty to help us heal in so many ways.

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Nutritional presence:

Ripe mangoes are sweet, but raw mangoes are pungent. Raw mangoes contain a good amount of water and carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats. Other than these, raw mangoes have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties in significant amounts. All these nutrients help to keep our bodies healthy. Ripped and raw mangoes consider that the former is hot, and the later is cool in nature. A raw mango also helps maintain the balance of all the three energies, Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha.

Now, discussing the benefits of raw mangoes, we all know how madly people amongst us love the consumption of mangoes. The limited availability increases the demand and crazes both. It helps in relieving the symptoms of kidney failure and prevents the risk of kidney damage. Now let us talk about the specific diseases.

Explore the nutritional benefits of raw mangoes with our Ayurvedic guidance.

  • Helps in controlling the blood glucose levels:

Raw mango is very beneficial for people with diabetes. It helps in lowering your blood sugar. To reduce the increased blood sugar, you can include raw mango with curd rice in the diet.

  • Helps with the management of weight:

Increased weight is home to many diseases. Gained weight is one of the reasons for kidney failure. To lose weight, you can consume raw mangoes. Raw mango has a low-calorie count, plus it is rich in fiber, helping to reduce the body fat and boost digestion.

  • Fill up the need for liquid:

Summer is the time when the human body excretes sweat in high amounts. Lack of water can cause a person to face many problems. Lack of water is medically known as Dehydration that becomes a major cause of high creatinine levels. Raw mango helps in meeting the lack of water in the body. If you consume raw mango with salt, then there will be no shortage of water in your body.

  • Reduces the risk of blood-related disorders:

The kidney performs a particular function of blood purification. But during kidney failure, the kidney is unable to perform its essential function, which causes the bearer to face multiple complications. Raw mango helps in purifying the blood, eventually assisting the waste removal process and increasing the elasticity of the blood vessels. Apart from this, vitamin C is also useful in increasing the production of new blood cells.

Discover the benefits of raw mangoes for blood purification. Get expert advice nowMessage us on WhatsApp, or Call us

The Upshot:

Mangoes are the nutritional fruit that has availability only in summers. Though they are available in the winters too in canned forms but are not helpful instead, they are harmful to kidneys. Mangoes are abundant with nutritional values like Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, and Citrate. Being the most significant potassium source, it may be a thing to give a thought or have a dietician in confidence before its consumption because, at times, even the beneficial could turn out to be venomous if taken in inadequate amounts. So, always seek the advice of an Ayurvedic kidney treatment natural provider.

Get personalized dietary advice to safely enjoy the benefits of mangoes. Contact us todayMessage us on WhatsApp, or Call us

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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