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Yes! Albuminuria can be Pacified with Ayurvedic Remedies

Among the types of proteins in the blood, albumin is the one and very significant that assists muscle buildup, tissue repairment, and fight against infections. Once you find this protein in urine and not in the blood, then it is a signal for your bad kidney health. Albumin in urine is known as albuminuria and it can be fatal. Let us know some more facts about this condition and how it can be taken care of with some highly effective Ayurvedic remedies for albuminuria.

Consult with our Ayurvedic specialistsMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us. if you suspect albuminuria!

Pathology of Albuminuria

The pathology of albuminuria defines it as a condition with an abnormal amount of protein in the urine that is generalized as proteinuria. But actually, it is a type of proteinuria. Albumin is a protein in plasma that circulates in the blood and only a trace amount of it passes into the urine. But in kidney patients this amount of protein loss becomes abnormal and illness happens. Generally, it happens without any symptoms but foamy urine is said to be an indicator. Moreover, edema can be experienced and the production of low protein levels in serum begins that results in nephrotic syndrome. As kidneys naturally do not have the capacity to filter the large molecules of protein into the urine, albuminuria becomes an indicator of kidney illness then. Albuminuria Ayurvedic treatment has medicine that works upon the roots of this loss.

Additionally, people with long-standing issues of diabetes, especially type 1 are at great risk of getting albuminuria. Depending upon the amount of protein lost, the causes of albuminuria can be differentiated.  Commonly, inflammation or swelling in the filters of the kidneys is said to be the reason behind this phenomenon. This condition is referred to as glomerulonephritis or nephritis in medical terms. With the help of some very effective Ayurvedic medicine for albuminuria, the loss can be prevented well.

Ayurvedic perspective on Albuminuria

According to Ayurveda, albuminuria is the result of vitiation in the Pitta dosh among the three main doshas of the human body. The focus of Ayurvedic treatment for albumin in the urine is put onto the pacification of vitiated doshas to bring back the health to normal. This treatment is executed after taking into consideration all the bodily needs of the human and certain changes are made. Ayurveda makes use of herbs that are used as the Ayurvedic medicine for albuminuria. Moreover, other changes are made in the lifestyle of the human to prevent the deterioration of the kidneys’ cells and support the rejuvenating ability of the organ.

Consult with our Ayurvedic expertsMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us to restore your body's natural balance.

Medicines for albuminuria

Ayurveda is one holistic treatment that is 5000 years old that takes care of the damage from the cellular level and makes the body healthy again to function. The treatment of albuminuria in Ayurveda analysis of the body Prakriti so that the required herbs can be given to the patient in the form of medicine for albuminuria in Ayurveda. The medicine for albuminuria in Ayurveda is free from any major side effects and harmful elements. They are the pure form of treatment that not only binds the protein within but alters all the damage that allows the protein to leak into the urine. The herbs such as Giloy, Devdaru, Chitrak, Piplamool, etc are selected on the basis of their therapeutic quality to heal the loss, and medicines are made out of it. These medicines for albuminuria in Ayurveda are made under the guidance of experts with the inclusion of all the safety points that make them healthy to use.

Discover our range of natural medicines for albuminuria. Consult nowMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us.

Also, take any medicine on the advice of the doctor only.

Remedies for Albuminuria

It is necessary to treat the condition of albuminuria as soon as possible before it turns more fatal and reaches to a loss like nephrotic syndrome. Albuminuria Ayurvedic treatment can be a great help to the patients at such time. According to albuminuria treatment in Ayurveda, there are some remedies that can help in the betterment. These are mentioned below.

  • One of the very effective Ayurvedic remedies for albuminuria is to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, include legumes and grain to the diet.
  • A patient with albuminuria should eat more fish.
  • Albuminuria patients are required to exercise daily and reduce the level of stress they take.
  • Other Ayurvedic remedies for albuminuria include abstaining from alcohol consumption and maintenance of a healthy weight.
  • Consumption of lean meat would be a good option in such a time.
  • Albuminuria treatment in Ayurveda suggests low consumption of salt and removal of soda from the menu.
  • Drinking a lot of water and adding garlic and onion to the diet can be a great help.

Implement these Ayurvedic remedies to manage albuminuria effectively. Contact us for personalized adviceMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us.

Good albumin in urine Ayurvedic treatment alters the diet we eat and make it balanced for the body. As per the guidelines of Ayurvedic treatment for albumin in urine, the dietitians suggest taking the correct amount of protein and say no to the saturated and Trans fats. One should eat unsaturated fats instead. Moreover, putting limitations over sodium intake and consumption of food high in soluble fibers and vitamin is also the suggestion of Ayurvedic treatment for albumin in the urine.

Get a personalized diet plan to manage albuminuria. Schedule your consultation todayMessage us on WhatsApp or Call us.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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