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Ayurvedic Solutions for PKD Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited disorder, i.e. you inherit it from your parents. PKD refers to a condition where a cluster or clusters of cysts develop either inside or outside the kidneys. Your kidneys get enlarged due to these clusters, which hampers the normal functioning of your kidneys. Cysts are benign, round, fluid-filled sac-like structures that could vary in size. Polycystic kidney disease treatment tries to intervene in the early stages of the disease and nip the disease in the bud itself. Ayurvedic solutions for polycystic kidney disease may include herbs, therapeutic procedures, lifestyle modifications etc.

Ready to take control of PKD? Book an Appointment, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us to start your Ayurvedic treatment at Karma Ayurveda.

Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Brief Overview

Polycystic kidney disease (also called PKD) is a disease where there is an abnormal growth of cysts in your kidneys. These cysts are liquid-filled sacs. A presence of too many cysts can actually negatively hamper the normal functioning of your kidneys. At advanced stages, PKD cysts have this uncanny ability to affect a large part of the kidney, which can have fatal consequences. Polycystic kidney disease treatment largely focuses on containing the growth of cysts and alleviating the symptoms in the patients.

You would often find high blood pressure in a lot of PKD patients. In addition to this, persistent back or side pain, an increased abdomen size, blood in the urine, a higher frequency of bladder or kidney infections, a feeling of 'fluttering' or 'pounding' in the chest are also some of the major symptoms of CKD. If you have been suffering from high-blood pressure for a long period of time, it's better that you consult a doctor, as a persistent high-blood pressure negatively impacts the overall functioning of your kidneys. PKD is an inherited disorder and this inheritance has two types:

  • Dominant inheritance: If only one of the parents has PKD and passes his/her abnormal genes to the off-spring, it is a case of dominant inheritance. In this case, each offspring has a 50% chance of inheriting PKD.
  • Recessive inheritance: In this scenario, both the parents carry the abnormal genes and pass it to their off-springs. Each kid has a 25% chance of inhering PKD in this case.

PKD can result in fatal consequences, if left untreated. Hypertension (high blood pressure), Preeclampsia (a medical emergency for pregnant ladies), kidney stones, pancreatic cysts, ballooning of arteries (also known as brain aneurysm) etc. are some of the major complications of untreated PKD. You would also find symptoms of liver failure, cardiovascular issues etc. due to PKD in some patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney treatment in Ayurveda has garnered significant attention due to its comprehensive nature and a treatment method that has very little side-effects. An apt use of Ayurvedic medicines, therapies and lifestyle changes can thoroughly address the complexities of PKD. Some of the major Ayurvedic drugs for PKD disease treatment are:

  1. Shatavari – The rejuvenating properties of Shatavari stimulates the regeneration of damaged cells in the kidneys. This leads to an overall improvement in the functioning of kidneys. Additionally, it prevents the formation of cysts in the kidneys. The diuretic properties of Shatavari also help the kidney patients in improving the renal functions.
  2. Punarnava – Punarnava also lends a helping hand in reducing creatinine levels in the body. It also promotes a balance between the dosha in the body. A good cardiac and renal health in our bodies is another advantage of consuming Punarnava.
  3. Gokshura – Gokshura’s diuretic properties help in flushing out the excess toxic build-up in the body. It is an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating herb and prevent the recurrence of infections in the body.
  4. Kultha – The antilithic (stone-breaking) properties of kultha helps in breaking down stones in the kidneys, thus preventing the formation of kidney stones in the body. This leads to an overall improvement in the functioning of the kidneys.
  5. Pashanbheda – Another effective ayurvedic medicine for polycystic kidney disease is Pashanbheda. It also helps in breaking down the stones in the kidneys. Furthermore, the anti-diabetic action of this herb also keeps a check on blood sugar levels. It has also been found effective in regulating blood-pressure in the body.
  6. Bhumi Amla – This ayurvedic herb has many benefits such as reducing high blood pressure, flushing out toxins from the body, controlling blood sugar levels etc. Bhumi Amla helps in removing kidney stones as well.

Interested in Ayurvedic solutions for PKD? Book an Appointment, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us to consult with our experts at Karma Ayurveda.

In addition to this, lifestyle modifications also play a vital role in promoting healthy kidney functioning. Some of the lifestyle changes that are beneficial for our kidneys are:

  • You should maintain a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar level
  • Exercise daily so that your weight is well-managed.
  • Stay away from alcohol and tobacco. You should also avoid meat and foods high-on protein.
  • A low-on sodium and oil diet is beneficial for PKD patients, say 'no' to junk and processed foods as well
  • Your diet should be biased towards fiber-rich food items
  • Include kultha pulse in your diet
  • Pranayama, anulom-vilom, deep breathing exercises help a lot in stress-management. Do breathing exercises daily.
  • Stay well-hydrated
  • You should refrain from caffeinated and cold drinks
  • Avoid fruits like bananas and oranges, if your kidney damage is high, as they are quite rich in potassium. Replace them with apples and grapes

PKD is an inherited disorder that can be treated successfully, if the symptoms are identified and treatment begins early. PKD disease treatment has multiple options such as clinical approaches and ayurvedic solutions for polycystic kidney treatment. If you suffer from PKD, start early so that your disease gets cured completely.

Ready to take the first step towards better kidney health? Book an Appointment, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us to start your treatment at Karma Ayurveda.

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