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Take a plastic pipe and start pumping water into it. Gradually increase the water pressure and observe the results each time. You will notice that every time you increase the water pressure, it will exert force on the surface area (walls) of the pipe. There will be a time when, because of the maximum pressure, the walls of the pipe would get damaged. Also, if you are watering the plants with that pressure, none of your plants can handle the water pressure. As a result, they would die.

This example can be used to explain the concept of High Blood Pressure. Your Heart pumps the blood, fluids and other nutrients throughout the body. The arteries or blood vessels attached to the Heart carry blood to all the organs and other parts of the body. In the example mentioned above, consider water as blood, pipe as blood vessels and plants as organs of the body. If you can imagine the situation, you might have already got an idea of what High Blood Pressure means.

A Brief Introduction to High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a condition when the pressure of the blood inside the arteries or blood vessels attached to the Heart suddenly increases. It ends up severely damaging the walls of the blood vessels that leads to several other medical complications. This is the reason why High Blood Pressure is also referred to as Arterial Pressure in the Systemic Circulation in medical language.

There are various reasons that could result in the increased Blood Pressure. Having controlled Blood Pressure is the best thing as low blood pressure could also result in severe medical complications. If you fail at controlling the blood pressure, you become prone to some of the most dangerous medical conditions, including:

Classification of High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure can be classified into two major types. These are:

  • Primary Hypertension or Primary High Blood Pressure

In this case, detecting a possible cause of High Blood Pressure becomes difficult. This is the most common type of High Blood Pressure as it occurs in patients worldwide. It is not a sudden medical ailment. Instead, it takes many years for this condition to develop in the blood vessels. Primary Hypertension is often related to a poor lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, environmental factors, and changes in the body with increasing age.

  • Secondary Hypertension or Secondary High Blood Pressure

This type of High Blood Pressure usually occurs because of a medicine or drug you might be taking for a significant time. These medicines cause high blood pressure, which further results in more medical complications.

What Makes High Blood Pressure A Serious Condition?

If the reports are to be believed, every six out of seven individuals in the world suffer from the problem of High Blood Pressure. However, among these people, there are many who are not aware of this problem; some sections of them know about their problem, and others are relieved from High Blood Pressure but are not controlling it.

It proves that a significant number of people are not ready to accept that High Blood Pressure is very unhealthy for them. As a result, in this section of the article, we will explain to you certain medical complications that make High Blood Pressure or Hypertension a severe medical condition.

Cardiovascular Problems

Since you already know that High Blood Pressure affects the boundary of the blood vessels attached to the Heart, it affects the Heart significantly. It could lead to problems like Heart Failure. When we say Heart Failure, we do not mean permanent heart damage, but in this case, the Heart does not pump effectively. It forces the heart to pump at a faster rate which causes the Heart’s muscles to thicken.

Hence, it could lead to irregular that gives rise to problems like Cardiac Arrest, etc. It proves that High Blood Pressure can lead to various cardiovascular problems, which is why, as soon as you notice its symptoms, make sure you consult a healthcare professional right away.


As discusses earlier, High Blood Pressure is also referred to as arterial pressure in systematic circulation. Thus, it leads to atrial fibrillation, which means irregular heartbeat. Thus, irregular pumping of blood can form clots inside the blood vessels. Once the clot is pumped to the brain, it could result in strokes.

Breathing Difficulties

A clot or damage in the blood vessels prevents these blood vessels from supplying enough blood and oxygen to all the parts of the body, including the Lungs. Once the lungs are deprived of oxygen and blood, their routine functions may get hampered. As a result, a patient might experience breathing difficulties.

If you have gone through all these points, you must have understood that High Blood Pressure can be a deadly disease as it impairs the blood vessels that carry oxygen and blood throughout the body. Now that you know the complications of High Blood Pressure let us understand some of its signs and symptoms.

In particular, there are no such symptoms of High Blood Pressure. Only when it damages the walls or surface area of the blood vessels, a patient might experience the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Nose bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Impaired vision
  • Chronic pain in the chest
  • Blood in Urine, etc.

What Leads To High Blood Pressure?

There are not one but many causes that lead to High Blood Pressure. Your diet, lifestyle, eating patterns, professional life, stress levels, etc., could be the reasons behind High Blood Pressure. There have been cases when the patients got this condition from their parents. Common causes of High Blood Pressure are:

  • Consuming a diet rich in salt or protein
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • A chronic case of Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol in Blood
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Consuming excessive birth control medicines
  • Too much smoking or alcohol consumption, and many more.

Normal and High Levels of High Blood Pressure

In medical terms, a patient is checked for two Blood Pressures on the same point. These are:

Systolic Blood Pressure Range: It is when the blood vessels are squeezing, i.e. it measures the pressure in the arteries when the Heart is in full motion. (Upper Range)

Diastolic Blood Pressure Range: It is when the blood vessels are refilling, i.e. the Heart is at rest. (Lower Range)

Blood Pressure

Upper Range


Lower Range

Normal level of BP




Elevated level of BP




High BP Stage 1




High BP Stage 2




Extreme case of High BP

> 180



The above table shows that normal and high ranges of Blood Pressure. If you experience any symptom of High Blood Pressure, the doctor would first check your Blood Pressure according to these numbers and thereafter prescribe medicines.

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Unfortunately, there is no proper cure for High Blood Pressure in any pathy. Since this disease remains unnoticed for years, a severe case of High Blood Pressure only ends up giving rise to various other problems. For this, you will be given certain medicines and drugs that relieve you from the immediate symptoms of the problem, thereby keeping the blood pressure in control.

However, at any time, if you wish to stop taking these medicines and continue living a sedentary lifestyle, you won’t be able to get away from this condition. This is the reason why many people end up taking medicines for High Blood Pressure throughout their life. But, with Ayurvedic treatment for Blood Pressure, you can enjoy permanent relief from this condition.

High Blood Pressure Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the best way to treat the problem of High Blood Pressure. With Ayurvedic treatment for High Blood Pressure, you can enjoy a healthy, safe, natural, and permanent condition. With the help of Ayurvedic medicine for Blood Pressure and a suitable diet plan, Ayurveda attacks the root cause of the problem. It clears all the blockages in the channels that carry energy throughout the body.

If you visit an Ayurvedic expert, you get the best Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure that includes:

  • Jatamansi
  • Sarpagandha
  • Amalaki

Also, you are given a diet chart that includes fruits, vegetables, and other herbs that have medicinal qualities. Gooseberry, Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Garlic, and Honey are amazing food items that attack the root cause of the problem and boost the body’s immunity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: Can Ayurveda cure high blood pressure?
Ans: Yes, Ayurveda treatment for Blood Pressure offers a natural and permanent cure for this condition. Ayurvedic treatment includes Ayurvedic medicines for blood pressure that attack the root cause of the problem.

Ques: Can Ayurveda cure low blood pressure?
Ans: Yes, Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Blood Pressure can relieve you from this condition. With Ayurveda, you get Ayurvedic medicines, diet plans, and lifestyle changes that fight against the root cause of the problems.

Ques: Can BP be cured permanently?
Ans: Yes, BP can be cured permanently only with the help of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment for High Blood Pressure attacks the root causes of the disease, thereby offering you a holistic and satisfying treatment.

Ques: How can I cure my high blood pressure naturally?
Ans: You can cure High Blood Pressure naturally by adding more plant fibre to your diet. By eating more plant-fibre rich foods, you can get relief from High Blood Pressure. However, you must consult a health expert before consuming anything.

Ques: What is the best natural medicine for high blood pressure?
Ans: Jatamansi, Sarpagandha, and Amalaki are some of the best Ayurvedic medicines recommended for High Blood Pressure. However, before consuming them, you must consult an Ayurvedic expert to get the exact quantity to be consumed.

Ques: Which treatment is best for blood pressure?
Ans: Among all other forms of treatments, Ayurvedic treatment is the best for treating High Blood Pressure. Ayurveda excels in blood pressure management that helps patients control their blood pressure in natural and effective ways.

Ques: Is 140 over 70 a good blood pressure?
Ans: Though, 90/60 to less than120/80 is considered a normal blood pressure range. However, blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90 can also be considered normal depending on the body type.

Ques: What are normal blood pressure and its danger levels?
Ans: 120/80 is considered normal blood pressure. If it goes any less than 90/60, it means you have low blood pressure. In case it reaches more than 180, it means you have very high blood pressure.

Disclaimer: This write-up explains all the significant facts related to High Blood Pressure. It should not be taken as medical advice. All the medicines, treatment, and food items mentioned must be taken only after recommending an Ayurvedic expert. For further advice, you can use this helpline: +91-9821929797 number or visit

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