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Holistic Kidney Care: Combining Ayurveda with Modern Medicine

Kidneys are rightly called the filtering units of our bodies, as they detoxify our bodies by filtering our blood and eliminating harmful toxins from the body. Healthy kidneys mean a healthy you. A normal functioning of the kidneys is a prerequisite for a healthy body.

Ready to prioritize your kidney health? Book an appointment, Chat with us on WhatsApp or call us to start your journey towards healthier kidneys!

Kidneys: Their Roles

Your kidneys remove waste and extra fluid from your body; however, that is not the only job that they perform. They also remove acid produced by the cells of the body and maintain a balance of water, salts, and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in the blood. You won’t really want to have an imbalance between these minerals, as the functioning of your body tissues, nerves, etc. would get disturbed. Apart from the functions mentioned above, kidneys also produce hormones that control blood pressure, make RBCs NIH external links and keep your bones healthy.

Ready to prioritize your kidney health? Book an appointment now to start your journey towards healthier kidneys! Need advice? Chat with us on WhatsApp or call us today for expert guidance on kidney care.

Holistic kidney care

When it comes to taking care of our kidneys, the focus shifts towards detoxifying them and improving their overall health. You have a few medicines that claim to detoxify your kidneys; however, some of those medicines can actually result in side effects. Ayurveda comes in handy in such situations. Ayurvedic methods for kidney care place a lot of emphasis on providing therapeutic procedures and ayurvedic medicines that improve the overall well-being of your kidneys. Ayurveda lists down a few effective home remedies that not only detoxify your kidneys, but enhance their functions too. Some of them are:

  1. Water

When you keep yourself well-hydrated, you allow your kidneys to effectively flush out toxins from the body. This enhances the functioning of your kidneys. Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water every day.

  1. Cranberry Juice

Anything that decreases your chances of contracting urinary tract infections or UTIs significantly would surely keep your kidneys healthy. Cranberry juice is one of those things. One glass of cranberry juice a day is enough, though; always consult your doctor beforehand.

  1. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeinated products such as tea, coffee, etc. dehydrate you quickly. This puts additional pressure on your kidneys. Replace tea or coffee with herbal teas such as green tea, hydrangea tea, etc. that support good kidney health.

  1. Say No to Alcohol and Tobacco

Tobacco has been shown to damage blood cells. When these damaged blood cells pass through your kidneys, they negatively affect them as well. Alcohol has been linked with reduced liver and kidney functions. Moderate your alcohol and tobacco intake.

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics such as yogurt and curd contain a lot of good bacteria. These bacteria improve digestion and strengthen our immune system. Yogurt and curd reduce the risk of bacterial infections in the kidneys.

  1. Vitamin C

The antioxidative properties of vitamin C reduce oxidative stress in the body. Taking fruits like strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, black currants, etc. supplements your daily vitamin C needs.

  1. Ayurveda

Ayurvedic herbs have shown great results in improving renal functions and keeping a check on creatinine levels. Be sure to have a detailed consultation with your doctor before taking any ayurvedic medicine. Some of the best ayurvedic herbs for maintaining good kidney health are:

  • Giloy: Keeps a check on the excessive toxic buildup in the body.
  • Turmeric: Reduces uric acid and the risk of kidney stones.
  • Triphala: It enhances renal functions and avoids swelling of the kidneys.
  • Varuna: The diuretic properties of this herb increase the urine output, resulting in an effective flushing out of the toxins from the body.
  1. Rest

When you sleep, your body repairs itself. Any damage to your body cells, including kidney cells, is repaired during this period only. Plus, your immune system also gets a boost from a good night’s sleep.

  1. Monitor Blood Pressure and Sugar

Keep a check on blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Your kidneys do not like high blood pressure and high sugar levels. Maintain a healthy blood pressure and keep a check on blood sugar levels too.

  1. Moderate Protein Consumption

A high protein consumption encourages a higher production of creatinine in the body. This could have a potentially damaging effect on your kidneys in the long run. Keep a check on the consumption of animal-based proteins such as meat, fish, etc.

  1. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are high-on salt, as salt works as a preservative. Consuming a high amount of salt increases your blood pressure, which can eventually damage your kidneys. Eat a low-sodium diet.

  1. Control Weight

An expanding waistline invites multiple diseases, including ones related to kidneys. Regular exercise keeps your blood pressure in check, encourages sweating, and improves immunity. Exercises such as walking, running, jogging, swimming, strength training, etc. are pretty good for strong kidneys.

  1. Yoga

There are specific yoga asanas like Paschimottasana, Salamba Bhujangasana, etc. that have shown great results in enhancing the health of the kidneys. Incorporate yoga into your daily life for healthy kidneys.

From filtering blood to maintaining a balance between minerals in the body, kidneys perform the thankless job of detoxifying our bodies 24*7 without a break. A healthy life without healthy kidneys is not possible. With the tips mentioned above, keep your kidneys healthy and live a healthy life.

Explore holistic solutions for your kidney health. Book a consultation now and discover personalized Ayurvedic treatments! Questions? Reach out via WhatsApp or call us for expert advice on kidney care.

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."


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