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How do kidney patients maintain a Balanced Diet?

The life of kidney patients is quite hard they have to follow a strict diet plan because eating anything without the prescription of a doctor or dietician can bring a storm over their health which can also be life-threatening. Taking the right nutrition at right time in a proportionate amount is important for someone suffering from advanced renal dysfunction. Following a specially curated diet plan promotes kidney function and reduces the progression of complete kidney failure.

Someone who’s suffering from chronic kidney disease is strictly prescribed to follow a kidney-friendly diet which is a complete well-balanced meal with less amount of sodium, phosphorus, and protein A nutrients. This is why Ayurveda has placed a special emphasis on your diet. According to Ayurveda, your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health that includes your physical and mental well-being.

Eating right primarily works to power your natural defenses which increases your body’s ability to fight against the disease at its initial stages before it starts causing harm to your body. In Ayurvedic treatment, it’s 80% of the diet and the remaining get covered with the administration of natural herbs and medicines. Therefore it’s undeniably important to be apprehensive about your diet, and your total calorie intake.

Need help with a kidney-friendly diet? Book an appointment today for a personalized meal plan and expert guidance. Contact us via WhatsApp or call us now for immediate support.

Why kidney patients are only allowed to eat low in sodium, phosphorus, and potassium diet?

Your fist-sized kidneys play a crucial role in purifying your blood from the waste products that are mainly produced from the food we eat. Our kidneys consist of several tiny clusters of small blood tubules which are primed to purify your blood from chemical toxins and other excessive substances which are no more required inside our body.

But sometimes, the increased consumption of unhealthy foods which are supplemented with an excessive amount of fat, carbohydrates, salt, and spices can make your kidneys overwork in order to expel out the excessive and unwanted amount of substances outside of the body.

This continuous pressure on your kidneys can cause inflammation inside the glomeruli which can gradually interfere with the functioning of your kidneys. The sudden disruption caused inside the kidneys can give a spike to the waste products inside your blood which can bring some serious health conditions such as stroke, brain tumor, high blood pressure, or even a heart attack in severe cases.

A person suffering from kidney dysfunction has to follow a specially curated diet plan prescribed by his/her doctor in order to induce less pressure on the kidneys. Eating excessive amounts of salt, carbohydrate, potassium, or phosphorus can lead to a permanent loss of kidneys’ functioning, which means a person has to undergo a kidney transplant or even dialysis to live.

Let’s take a closure look at the term kidney failure, its causes, and symptoms that come along with it.

Confused about managing sodium, phosphorus, and potassium in your diet? Get expert advice tailored to your needs. Reach out to us via WhatsApp or call us today to schedule your consultation.

What is kidney disease?

Kidney disease is a serious health ailment that can lead to temporary or permanent dysfunction of your kidneys’ functioning which can be life-threatening. According to the report, the estimated prevalence of CKD is found to be around 7.63 per million population which means every 2 out of 6 people is suffering from any kind of kidney-related problems.

Kidney failure is categorized into two different types-

Acute kidney failure

Acute kidney failure occurs suddenly inside your kidneys in which your kidneys become unable to purify waste products from your blood for a shorter period of time. Acute kidney failure mainly occurs in people who are already hospitalized and need intensive care. Acute kidney failure can be fatal if underestimated or not get treated with the right medication at right time.

Chronic kidney failure

Chronic kidney failure is more severe and deadlier than acute kidney failure which usually takes a certain period to come up with the visible signs or symptoms. In the broadest sense, persons suffering from chronic kidney disease might feel some visible signs after 30 to 40% loss of their kidneys’ functioning which is too late to control the problem with oral medications. The fatality rate of chronic kidney disease is much higher than any other health problem.

Need clarity on acute vs. chronic kidney failure? Get a detailed explanation and the right treatment plan. Book your consultation today via WhatsApp or call us for expert assistance.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease?

The symptoms of kidney problems are hard to get noticed at the initial stages, however, you may notice some visible signs after the 30 to 40% loss of their kidneys’ functioning which includes the following-

  • Blood in urine
  • Loss of appetite
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Low sex drive
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine
  • Feeling pain or pressure in the chest
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Feeling pain or burning sensations while passing urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen legs, ankles, and feet due to excessive fluid retention
  • Irregular heartbeat

Noticing symptoms of kidney disease? Early detection is key. Book your diagnostic appointment today for prompt evaluation and care. Contact us via WhatsApp or call us now.

When to see a doctor?

If you’re constantly feeling the above-mentioned symptoms in your health then it’s important for you to prevent the disease in time before it gets more severe inside your body.

Disclaimer:- Kidney dysfunction is a serious health problem which is required to be cured in time. it’s advised to not to make any changes in your diet or practice any medication without the prescription of your doctor and renal dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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