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Innovative Yoga Practices for Kidney Health: Benefits and Techniques

Yoga has taken the world by storm in the past few years, and for the right reasons. Yoga basically refers to a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that improve the overall well-being of a person. Being in practice for over 5000 years, yoga has shown remarkable results against almost every disease. The same goes for our kidneys as well. Yoga for kidney health has garnered significant attention from everyone over the past few years.

Interested in yoga for kidney health? Book an appointment with our experts. Need quick advice? WhatsApp us or call us today.

Yoga for Kidney Health

Kidney dysfunctions and chronic kidney disorders are now a common feature of our daily lives. With fast-paced lives and very little time to pay attention to our health, it’s pretty easy to find ourselves diagnosed with kidney diseases in the present age. Yoga has proved quite effective in not just preventing the disease but also alleviating the symptoms and helping with rehab in case you get diagnosed with any kidney disease.

Worried about kidney health? Book an appointment with our specialists to learn more about yoga for kidney health. Contact us via WhatsApp us or call us now.

Some of the best yoga asanas for kidney health are:

Salamba Bhujangasana, or Sphinx Pose

  • Main targets: Shoulder, Abdomen, Lung, and Thorax
  • Major benefits of the asana include spine strengthening, stimulating internal organs, and improving endocrine function.


  • First, lay a yoga mat on the ground and lie on it with your stomach touching the ground.
  • Then slowly lift your hands, with your chin firmly placed on the floor.
  • Lift your arms and bring them beside your head, keeping your elbows and shoulders in a straight line all this while.
  • With a deep inhale, press down on your forearms and lift your chin and upper body off the ground.
  • Stretch your legs outward and breathe deep.
  • Hold this position for 5–10 seconds.
  • Slowly bring your upper body down to the ground and rest your head on the ground.

One set of 5–10 reps is enough for a beginner. Increase the number of sets as you become comfortable with the pose.

Experience the benefits of the Sphinx Pose for kidney health. Book an appointment today. For immediate assistance, WhatsApp us or call us.

Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend

  • Main targets: Shoulder, Hamstring, and Vertebral column
  • The major benefits of this asana are spinal flexibility, improved kidney functions, posture correction and regulation of the sleep cycle.


  • First, lay down a thick yoga mat and sit down comfortably with your legs stretched in front of you.
  • Then place your hands on either side of your hips with your toes flexed towards you.
  • As you inhale, gradually raise your arms above your head and stretch them.
  • With a deep exhalation, bend your upper body or torso to the front and fold your body from the hip.
  • With outstretched arms, try to touch your flexed toes.
  • Take a deep breath, slowly lift your head, and try to stretch your spine as much as possible.
  • Push your upper body and navel so that your upper body touches the navel.
  • Repeat this 5–10 times.

Point to Note: When bending your torso, be sure not to overexert.

Learn more about the Seated Forward Bend for kidney health. Book an appointment with our experts. Questions? WhatsApp us or call us now.

Setu Bandhasana, or Bridge Pose

  • Main Targets: Neck, Thorax, and Vertebral Column
  • Major Benefits of this Asana: Strengthens the back, improves blood circulation, and boosts the functioning of the kidneys.


  • First, lie down on the yoga mat with your body completely relaxed.
  • Then fold your knees and place them on the yoga mat, with some distance between both of your feet.
  • Keep your arms in a relaxed state and place them on either side of your upper body.
  • As you take a deep breath, gradually lift your lower and middle back and torso off the ground.
  • Roll your shoulders gradually for support, and bring your chin towards the chest.
  • Keep your feet firmly on the ground all this time.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds, gradually lower your body towards the ground, and relax.

Try the Bridge Pose for better kidney health. Book an appointment with our yoga experts. Need support? WhatsApp us or call us.

Shashankasana, or Hare Pose

  • Main targets: Upper body, Thighs, Abdomen
  • The main benefits of this asana are that it tones pelvic muscles, relieves constipation, and improves kidney function.


  • Start with Vajrasana.
  • Comfortably place your palms on top of your thighs and take a few deep breaths.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms right above your head and stretch them.
  • With a deep exhalation, fold your upper body from the hips and give your upper body a forward bend. Make sure either your nose or chin touches the ground.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • With a deep breath, return to your initial position.
  • Repeat this 10–20 times.

Point to Note: If you suffer from knee pain, don’t do this pose.

Discover the benefits of the Hare Pose for kidney health. Book an appointment today. Connect via WhatsApp us or call us for more details.

Pawanmuktasana, or Release Pose

  • Main targets: Thighs, Abdomen, Shoulders, and Hips
  • Major benefits of this asana are that it relieves flatulence, improves kidney functions, and improves digestion.


  • First, lie down on the yoga mat with your body completely relaxed.
  • As you inhale, fold and bring your right knee toward your chest, and repeat the same with the left leg.
  • With both of the folded legs on your chest, put both of your hands around the front of the legs to keep them firmly on your chest.
  • Then exhale and gradually lift your head and chest off the ground.
  • If it’s possible for you, try to touch the folded knees with your chin.
  • Stay in this position as you practice relaxed breathing. Hold this for 5–10 seconds.

Start with one set of 5–10 reps and gradually work your way towards a higher number of sets.

Try the Release Pose for improved kidney health. Book an appointment with our experts. For assistance, WhatsApp us or call us.

Mandukasana, or Frog Posture

  • Main targets: Thighs, Abdomen, Throat, and Ankles
  • The major benefits of this asana are that it tones abdominal muscles, regulates diabetes, improves kidney function, and stretches back muscles.


  • First, start in a tabletop position on a yoga mat.
  • With your hands and knees firmly on the ground, stabilize the body.
  • Bring your arms together to keep them in a straight line with your shoulders.
  • At the same time, bring your knees right below your hips.
  • Now, move both of your knees outward with your feet in a straight line.
  • Keep your hips open all this time.
  • Now, place your elbows and forearms on the ground so that your posture resembles that of a frog.
  • Remain in this position for 10 seconds.
  • With a deep exhale, extend your abdomen and return to the initial position.

Experience the Frog Posture for better kidney health. Book an appointment with our instructors. Get help via WhatsApp us or call us.

Yoga for kidney health is quite helpful in treating and preventing various kidney diseases. However, be sure to perform these asanas under the guidance of an instructor, and always consult your healthcare provider before doing any asanas.

Ready to start yoga for kidney health? Book an appointment with our specialists today. For immediate support, WhatsApp us or call us now.

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Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026