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Is Albumin Trace in Urine Dangerous

One should know that our blood has a few proteins that circulate in it; albumin is one of them. As a matter of fact, albumin is the most common protein found in our blood. A high concentration of albumin in the urine is termed albuminuria. You must be wondering, “Is albumin trace in urine dangerous?” The answer is yes. A urine albumin trace means you may be having some sort of kidney disease. Albumin trace in urine treatment or albumin in urine Ayurvedic treatment uses methods such as herbal medicines, diet changes, etc. to manage the symptoms and treat this disease. As discussed earlier, albuminuria is a form of proteinuria. Just like with proteinuria, albuminuria can be caused by dehydration, diabetes, high-intensity exercises, fever, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Causes and Symptoms:

Some of the major causes of albuminuria are:

  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • Strenuous exercises
  • Fever
  • Heart disorders

Albumin trace in urine symptoms are:

  • Swelling
  • An increased frequency of urination
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Persistent weakness

Is Albumin Trace in Urine Dangerous

Is Albumin Trace in Urine Dangerous? If this question bothers you, then as mentioned above, albumin trace in your urine is definitely something to worry about. The test commonly used to check albumin levels is the Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR). A low uACR number (lower than 30) is considered ideal for a healthy person. A higher reading suggests the presence of kidney disease in an individual. Albumin trace in urine treatment in Ayurveda has effective herbs that target and reduce the uACR number.

Albumin Trace in Urine Treatment

Albumin trace in urine treatment has various methods such as Ayurvedic treatment, clinical treatment, and homeopathy. An herbal treatment of this disease involves the use of potent herbs. Apart from herbs, you are also advised on diet recommendations and lifestyle changes so that your albumin levels remain in a healthy range. Some herbs that are found effective in treating this disease are:

  • Gokshura: This Ayurvedic herb aids in a smooth flush out of toxins from the body since it has diuretic properties. The anti-inflammatory properties present in this herb prevent glomerulonephritis and help reducing the accumulation of damage in the kidneys.
  • Punarnava: Punarnava comes with rejuvenating and antioxidative properties and it repairs and revitalizes kidney tissues. A high concentration of vitamin C is found effective in an overall reduction of oxidative stress in the body.
  • Varuna: Varuna’s diuretic properties promote healthy renal functioning by removing toxins from the body effectively. The inflammation of the kidneys also gets reduced by consuming this herb, though, you must consult with your doctor before consuming any herb or medicine.
  • Bhumi Amla: Bhumi Amla not only controls blood pressure but helps prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys. High blood pressure results in an inefficient functioning of our kidneys.

Diet and Lifestyle Modifications for Managing Albuminuria:

  • Uncontrolled blood pressure and blood glucose levels damage our kidneys significantly. Strive hard to control your glucose levels and maintain a healthy blood pressure too.
  • Alcohol and tobacco not only damage kidney cells and reduce renal functioning, but they also lead to heart diseases. If you are already a kidney patient, stop smoking and drinking.
  • Canned, processed foods should be avoided by kidney patients; they are high in sodium. Consuming a high-sodium diet for a prolonged period increases your blood pressure and results in reduced kidney functioning, increasing your chances of getting kidney diseases.
  • Fiber-rich food items like broccoli, prunes, berries, etc. should be a part of your diet. A fiber-rich diet is good for our kidneys.
  • Fish, meat, and other animal-based proteins have been linked with an increased creatinine level in the body. If possible, moderate their consumption. You can replace animal-based protein with plant-based protein such as lentils, tofu, etc. however, always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes in your diet.
  • Hydrate yourself well. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Including herbal teas in your daily routine also helps with replenishing your hydration needs.
  • Incorporate Yoga into your daily lifestyle. Asanas such as Bridge Pose, Snake Pose, Paschittomasana, etc. are good for kidney health. Practice these asanas under the supervision of a certified tutor.

As discussed in this article, the answer to the question, “Is Albumin Trace in Urine Dangerous?” is overwhelmingly yes. However, this disease is easily manageable provided you take your medications and follow a kidney-friendly diet. Including lifestyle changes in your daily routine also helps with managing this disease.

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