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Is ginger good for the kidneys?

Ginger is a spice we can find at our homes easily. It is a part of Ayurvedic medicines because of its high-end characteristics properties. In India, the usage is diverse since ancient times. A few Ayurvedic excerpts suggest that ginger is good for kidney stones and creatinine levels. From our breakfast to dinner, ginger can be added to the variety of dishes in different forms. The most popular usage is ginger tea. If you lookout for the benefits of ginger, especially for kidneys, you will find how miraculously it has cured the diseases. As discussed, the usage is diverse; henceforth, it can be used by drying, raw, and cooked. Not only has India implied the beneficial properties of ginger in the execution of kidney disease treatment, but China too.

Explore the benefits of ginger for kidney health. Schedule a consultation today, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us.

Ginger is a panacea anaerobic drug. It not only helps to eliminate many diseases but also prevents their occurrence. Ginger is rich in minerals and antioxidant properties that help in swift recovery and healing naturally. Ginger has got the following properties and nutritional values in abundance that makes it a superb Ayurvedic herb for kidneys (per 100 grams):

  • Energy 333 kJ (80 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates 77g
  • Sugar 7g
  • Dietary fiber 2g
  • Fat 75 g
  • Protein 82 g
  • Calcium 16 mg
  • Iron 6 mg
  • Magnesium 43 mg
  • Potassium 415 mg
  • Sodium 13 mg

Would it be wrong if we say that a human body cannot function without the support of kidneys as they are the only organs filtering the blood that the heart circulates? Their location is right underneath the ribcage at the back of the lower abdominal area. They are comparatively smaller in size and look like kidney beans. The size may be small, but the role is tough. Every day, each kidney filters at least four gallons of blood that they receive from the heart through bloodstreams. The most crucial roles are to excrete toxic products like alkalis and acids present in our body through urine after they clean the blood. The purified blood then flows to the entire body by the heart. They also strengthen the bones. The estimated loss to the health will be affected by mental and physical health if the kidneys are found in any type of danger.

Discover how ginger's nutrients support kidney function. Schedule a consultation today, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us.

We have read in our primary schools that ginger provides numerous benefits to the overall body but here being specific about the kidneys, and it is not leaving the pair of organs behind. People who have the risks of kidney failure must consume ginger after the consultation of your nephrologist and dietician. Ginger protects us from diseases that could damage our kidneys in coming future. These damages can come in different types and diseases. Let us now discuss if ginger is good for kidneys and if it helps in the reduction of creatinine levels.

  • Obesity:

Obesity is a common disease that affects multiple organs. Once you suffer from obesity, it will increase your weight and suppress the functioning of different organs. Ginger helps in reducing the risk of obesity by increasing the metabolism of the body. Ginger helps with the elimination of fats and other wastes accumulated in the blood. Ginger can be beneficial for an obese only when he/she consumes it in moderate amounts.

  • Diabetes:

Diabetes is one of the significant causes of kidney diseases, and if you have diabetes, then probably you are suffering from kidney disease. Ginger helps regulate blood glucose levels and has been a sufficient remedy for treating type 2 diabetes. Ginger is a proven remedy that Australian researchers have found; it transports glucose to the muscles without the help of outsourced insulin in the body.

See how ginger helps manage obesity and diabetes. Schedule a consultation today, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us.

  • Heart-friendly:

The critical factor affecting heart health is the levels of good and bad cholesterol. Consumption of ginger increases the level of good glucose and helps with the elimination of bad cholesterol. The elevated levels of bad cholesterol get accumulated in the blood vessels and narrow the airways. It can create an obstruction in the exchange of gases in the body. Consumption of ginger has a proven theory of unblocking the airways and removing the blood clots. The risk of stroke and heart failure reduces.

  • Abdominal-friendly:

We love the taste, and our abdomen loves the nutrients of ginger. Ginger is abundant with digestive, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that prevent the scarring of tissues in kidneys and promotes better functioning of the organs placed in the abdominal area. The consumption of ginger has a positive aspect of easing the digestive process as it effectively aids colic pain and gastric problems.

Discover how ginger supports heart and digestive health. Schedule a consultation today, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us.

Ginger is a spice that we have known just for the taste and flavor, but it helps keep away from many diseases that may attack our bodies if we do not take care of them. You should have a cup of ginger tea after heavy meals to reduce the risk of flatulence and gastric problems. Ginger juice is a proven remedy to treat the problems of stomach flu and infections.

Can ginger consumption cause any harm?

Yes, the excessive consumption of ginger can accelerate the progression of diseases in the body instead of prevention. So, it would be best if you were careful with its use.

  • If a hefty dose of ginger is taken, severe gastrointestinal symptoms can occur, such as diarrhea, stomach problems, burning sensation in the mouth, and severe belching or nausea.
  • This can slow blood-clotting and induce blood thinning. It may cause severe allergic reactions, such as difficulty in breathing, closure of throat, swelling of lips and tongue, itching and rash, etc.
  • Those who take medicines for heart or high blood pressure should consume ginger under the supervision of a healthcare specialist.

Understand safe ginger consumption guidelines. Schedule a consultation today, Message us on WhatsApp, or Call us.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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