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Is Punarnava Good for Kidney Stones & Liver Health?

Kidney ailments have been on the rise for the past few years. Unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, and poor diet choices have been the leading factors behind the meteoric rise in kidney diseases. Curing kidney diseases naturally has gained a lot of attention from everyone in the past few years due to its lack of risk, non-invasive nature, and efficacy. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment makes use of potent herbs like Punarnava to cure ailments related to the kidneys.

Is Punarnava Good for Kidney?

Before answering this question, one must know a bit about this Ayurvedic herb. Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) is sometimes classified as a weed; however, Ayurveda considers it to be one of the most potent herbs for the kidneys and liver. Punarnava is a tridoshic herb that helps in pacifying vata, pitta, and especially kapha dosha in the body. This Ayurvedic herb helps in the balancing out of the three doshas in the body.

Now coming to the question, “Is Punarnava good for kidney?” The answer is yes. Punarnava is known for its rejuvenating properties. Regularly consuming this herb has been found to support the regeneration of the kidney tissues. Additionally, consuming this herb significantly brings the creatinine and urea levels down in the blood. Punarnava is actively used in the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.

Discover the benefits of Punarnava for your kidneys. Schedule a consultation now to learn how this powerful herb can support your kidney health. For immediate queries, contact us via WhatsApp or Call today.

In addition to this, a study found that consuming this herb improves hemoglobin levels in the blood as well. This herb is also linked with reduced levels of uric acid and electrolytes in the body. Punarnava for creatinine treatment is an excellent choice, as its diuretic properties increase urine output and flush out excess toxins like creatinine from the body. All these properties make Punarnava an excellent choice for chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.

Punarnava has also been found beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. Regularly consuming this Ayurvedic herb leads to a reduction in the breakdown of starch in the body. This reduces the blood sugar levels in the body and eventually helps with managing kidney health. Additionally, Punarnava for proteinuria treatment is also a great choice because of its diuretic properties. A high level of protein in the urine indicates an underlying kidney disease. Punarnava comes in handy in regulating the concentration of protein in the urine.

Is Punarnava Good for Kidney Stones?

Punarnava has long been used to manage various kinds of kidney disorders. This herb has diuretic properties and helps to pass the stone through urine by increasing urine flow from the body. This way, this herb inhibits with the formation of kidney stones in the body.

Dealing with kidney stones? Find out how Punarnava can help. Book an appointment for a natural Ayurvedic treatment plan. Reach us via WhatsApp or Call to get started.

Punarnava Benefits for Liver

Punarnava is not just beneficial for kidney health; it also boosts your liver health. This herb stimulates the production of bile in the body. Additionally, this herb regenerates liver cells and has anti-inflammatory properties that mitigate oxidative stress in the body. Punarnava aids in digestion and strengthens liver functions too. This way, Punarnava helps with the smooth functioning of our liver.

This Ayurvedic herb has also been linked with the regeneration of liver cells. Punarnava is also used in treating fatty liver in Ayurveda. Punarnava also has a stimulating effect on the production of bile, helping with the smooth digestion of food in the body.

To conclude, the answer to your query, “Is Punarnava good for kidney?” is yes. This herb is packed with qualities that make it an ideal choice for treating various kinds of kidney diseases. It comes as no surprise that this herb is widely used in kidney treatment in Ayurveda. But you must take advice from your doctor before consuming this herb.

Interested in boosting your liver health naturally? Schedule an Ayurvedic consultation to discover the benefits of Punarnava. Contact us via WhatsApp or Call for immediate support.

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