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Kidney stones (renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis) are solidified deposits of minerals and salts accumulated in your kidneys. Kidney stones of an insignificant size hardly cause any symptoms, however, a sharp, shooting pain is often observed in patients with larger kidney stones. Natural treatment for kidney stones or Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones focuses on diet, Ayurvedic herbs, and lifestyle changes to treat this kidney issue.

Renal Stone Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones, as mentioned in the introduction, uses certain Ayurvedic herbs to dissolve the stone. One herb that is extensively used in renal stone treatment in Ayurveda is Punarnava. This herb treats a wide range of kidney-related ailments. You must be wondering, “Is Punarnava good for kidney stones?” Check out the paragraph below to get the answer.

Is Punarnava Good for Kidney Stones?

Punarnava is one of the most effective herbs for kidney-related diseases in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment of kidney stones makes extensive use of Punarnava’s properties to treat kidney stones. Punarnava is an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic drug and increases urine flow. This helps flush out kidney stones from the body. Apart from this, the anti-inflammatory properties of this herb keep the inflammation down in the kidney tissues. Any inflammation arising from kidney stones is easily managed by this Ayurvedic herb.

Now coming to the question, “Is Punarnava good for kidney?” The answer is yes. Punarnava is known for its rejuvenating properties. Regularly consuming this herb has been found to support the regeneration of the kidney tissues. This Ayurvedic herb repairs kidney tissues, limits the damage accumulated in the kidneys, and may help in the regeneration of the tissues in the kidneys. Additionally, consuming this herb significantly brings the creatinine and urea levels down in the blood. Punarnava is actively used in the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.

Natural Treatment for Kidney Stones: Lifestyle Modifications

  • Staying well-hydrated helps you avoid kidney stones; drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. When you are well-hydrated, your body is able to eliminate toxins from the body in an effective way.
  • A high citrate content in lemon juice can help dissolve kidney stones.
  • A low-sodium diet is recommended for those going through the treatment of kidney stones.
  • Avoid meat, fish, and other meat-based protein, as these foods are not particularly healthy for our kidneys.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages; replace them with herbal teas instead. You can go for chamomile tea, green tea, hydrangea tea, etc.

The unbearable, shooting pain that accompanies kidney stones makes this kidney ailment hard to ignore. With proper treatment and diet restrictions, you can easily treat kidney stones at home. Ayurvedic treatment of kidney stones should be your choice if you want a non-invasive, risk-free, and natural treatment for kidney stones.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is not a substitute for a medical advice. Kidney diseases are severe health conditions that need constant medical supervision. You must consult either your doctor or a recognised dietitian for an expert advice on this issue. For further advice, you can use this helpline: +91-9821929797 number or visit

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