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Ayurveda is a Natural Cure for Proteinuria!

What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria means the occurrence of protein in the urine. Normally, the protein is present in your urine, but when the levels are above 150 mg per day, it means that your kidneys are leaking the abnormal amount of protein. There are several instances in which the protein level elevates for a temporary period, and it may resolve on its own. However, if the problem advances, then you will need to take Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment.

Protein in urine is a sign of a kidney disease that must be diagnosed and managed timely. By following some tips that are the parts of the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria, anyone can reduce the leakage of the protein in the urine. The allopathic doctors also suggest them with the allopathic pills to reduce the protein in the urine.

These tips are based on the principles of the standard diet like choosing food in low protein, sodium, and phosphate, although it is elementary for everyone to follow these tips.

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Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda

According to many scholars and experts, Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing sciences. The word “Ayurveda” is a Sanskrit word that means “The knowledge of life.” It is a medical science that has been treating patients for 5000 years and is often known as the “Mother of all healing.” The knowledge of the medicines in Ayurveda has been documented in Vedas, but much of it has remained inaccessible.

Ayurveda relies on the three fundamental pillars of the energy or functional principles that are present in every individual; they are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These principles are the basic biology of the body, and proteinuria ayurveda treatment works on these three principles to reduce the progression of the disorder with overall wellness.

Everyone has to understand the fundamental difference between Ayurveda and western medicines. Western medicines or allopathic medicines mainly focus on the symptomatology (Study of the symptoms of the patient). Primitively, allopathic doctors use drugs and surgery to get rid of diseased tissue. Millions and even more lives have been saved from this approach. However, the drugs, because of their pernicious effect, may weaken the body.

On the other hand, Ayurveda focuses on treating the causes of the disease rather than focusing on the condition. Ayurveda helps the body in maintaining the appropriate balance between mind, body, and soul that will boost the body’s natural defense system.

Discover the Power of Ayurveda! Learn how Ayurvedic treatments can help manage proteinuria. Explore Our Treatment Options.

Tips to reduce the protein in the urine

Several tips of reducing the protein in urine are:

  • Reduce your blood pressure – Decreasing the salt in your diet and cutting back on cholesterol can help you in lowering the blood pressure level. You can replace ordinary table salt with rock salt. Perhaps, more importantly, avoid dining out frequently or consuming too many processed foods.
  • Determine the type of proteinuria – Mainly, there are three types of proteinuria that you may experience, and two out of the three require no specific treatment. Those three types of proteinuria are:
  • Transient proteinuria – It is generally related to stress, and ultimately, it returns to normal with subsequent reading without treatment.
  • Orthostatic proteinuria – It occurs when the abnormal protein levels are related to the postural changes. It is a rare condition and more likely to occur in adolescents. It always resolves itself by adulthood, and it also requires no specific treatment.
  • Persistent proteinuria – This situation occurs when the elevated protein level occurs even after repeated testing. The high protein level is a sign of kidney disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and other medical situation. The level can be normalized with the proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda. Evaluating
  • The Cause – The results of blood repeated urine test, and kidney biopsy can determine the real reason behind the protein leakage.

Eat a balanced diet – For healthy kidneys, everyone must have to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Some of them are as follows:

  • Low sodium diet helps in reducing the swelling in the hands and legs
  • Add lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet
  • Include fiber such as whole grains that can lower total and LDL cholesterol
  • Consume low-fat dairy products
  • Consume lean meat (chicken and fish) or reduce the quantity of red meat
  • Being mindful in fluid consumption
  • Consult with the nephrologists about the use of the amount of the protein
  • If the kidneys were failed, they also have to reduce the consumption of potassium and phosphorus.

Manage Your Diet for Healthy Kidneys! Get personalized dietary advice from our experts. Schedule a Diet Consultation.

Limit fat and cholesterol – By following some dietary habit, anyone can limit the intake of fat and cholesterol that are:

  • Limit yourself to2 eggs per week, or you can use egg substitutes
  • Eat lean meats
  • Use healthy oil in cooking like olive, canola, or sunflower
  • Restrict saturated fats and eliminate Trans fat.

Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda involves all the tips to stop the leakage of the protein in the urine. Proteinuria patients must avoid avocados, dark-colored colas, soda, canned foods, and many more.

If anyone has a high protein level, they must consult with a nephrologist and go for the screening at regular time intervals. They may advise you some tests like blood tests, 24-hours urine collection tests, kidney biopsy, and imaging tests like CT scan, ultrasound, and X-rays. The results of the tests may decide what treatment your kidneys need.

Who provides the most reliable Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria?

Karma Ayurveda Hospital is one of the leading kidney care center centered in Delhi. At Karma Ayurveda Hospital, Dr. Puneet and his team are healing kidney patients with the help of herbs and herbal medicines, that too without dialysis.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our 24×7 helpline at +91-9821929797 or visit

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