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Leucoderma Treatment in Ayurveda: Natural Solutions

Vitiligo, or leukoderma, is when our skin starts to lose color or pigmentation (also known as depigmentation). In Vitiligo, macules, or white patches, begin to appear all over the body, resulting in an inferiority complex among those suffering from this disease. In this disease, the pigments in our skin layers begin to lose their color gradually. It has been found that this disease is genetic in almost 30% of the cases. Leucoderma treatment in Ayurveda makes use of apt herbs and dietary modifications to counter the symptoms of this disease.

Concerned about vitiligo? Book an appointment to explore effective Ayurvedic treatments. For quick help, contact us via WhatsApp or call us today.


As briefly mentioned, leucoderma is a condition where white patches appear on the body. Leucoderma, more specifically, is a condition pointing to various patterns of depigmentation that appear on our body. In leucoderma, both localized and generalized white patches, streaks, or spots on the skin are covered. When melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) stop pigmentation, white patches start to appear on the body. Leucoderma is non-contagious, i.e., you cannot contract this disease by touching the patient. Some of the major causes of leucoderma are autoimmune disorders, genetic mutations, stress, and environmental factors.

Noticing white patches on your skin? Schedule an appointment for a detailed consultation and personalized treatment. For immediate queries, reach out via WhatsApp or call us.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucoderma

Ayurveda defines leucoderma as an aggravation of Pitta dosha in our body. Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma focuses on making use of herbs to contain the symptoms, and it also lists down dietary changes to effectively address the complexities associated with Leucoderma. Some effective herbs to treat leucoderma are:

  • Agnijith is known for restoring pigmentation in the body. This ayurvedic herb blocks the depigmentation tissues that develop on the layers of our skin. Agnijith boasts rich microbial properties that are easily absorbable by our skin. Agnijith is also effective in boosting blood flow to our skin cells.
  • Applying a mixture of turmeric and mustard oil may reduce the size of the white patches. Additionally, a mixture of Bakuchi oil and coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in containing white patches. Apply the mixture, let it dry down, and then wash it off with plain water after 15 minutes.
  • Bakuchi is another herb that stimulates pigmentation in the skin cells.
  • Manjistha not only promotes detoxification, but it also works pretty well as a skin toner.
  • Neem is one of the most potent Ayurvedic drugs for skin diseases. Neem’s anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties promote healthy skin tone and keep our skin healthy as well.

Explore effective Ayurvedic herbs and remedies for leucoderma. Book an appointment today. For quick queries, contact us via WhatsApp or call us now.

Leucoderma treatment in Ayurveda is considered incomplete without lifestyle and dietary changes. Making appropriate dietary modifications to your diet improves your skin tone and helps with your symptoms too. Certain food combinations, like non-vegetables and milk, should be avoided. You should also refrain from deeply fried foods so that your skin tone does not suffer much. Moderate the consumption of citrus fruits as well.

Having white patches on your skin can be quite unnerving. Try to meditate so that you can effectively keep stress down. Additionally, deep breathing exercises have been proven to increase blood flow to your skin cells. This helps improve the overall skin tone.

Don't let leucoderma affect your life. Book an appointment for your Ayurvedic treatment plan. For urgent help, contact us via WhatsApp or call us today.

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."


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