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Top Ayurvedic Herbs for Reducing Creatinine: Evidence-Based Insights

Creatinine, in the simplest terms, is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate produced during muscle and protein metabolism in the body. In normal circumstances, creatinine is released at a constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass). Our kidneys filter out this waste product from the blood. One must know that serum creatinine (a type of blood measurement) is an important indicator of kidney health. A high creatinine value indicates an abnormality with regard to the functioning of your kidneys. However, creatinine can easily be controlled via drugs and dietary changes. There are some really potent ayurvedic herbs for reducing creatinine that help you address the issue without any side effects.

Concerned about your creatinine levels? Book an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan. For immediate assistance, contact us via WhatsApp or call today.

What are normal creatinine levels?

The normal range is about 0.6 to 1.3 mg/dL for men and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for women. If you have only one functioning kidney, then a creatinine value of 1.5–1.7 is considered acceptable. Any major deviation from these levels should demand prompt attention on your part.

High creatinine levels? Consult our experts for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. For immediate assistance, contact us via WhatsApp or call today.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Reducing Creatinine

Maintaining a healthy creatinine level is easy, provided you take the necessary precautions with your diet and take medicines as prescribed by your doctor. There are excellent ayurvedic herbs for reducing creatinine that hardly cause any side effects. Some of the best ayurvedic medicines for reducing creatinine are:

  • Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is pretty rich in antioxidants that enhance the overall immunity of our body. Since this tea helps flush out toxins from the body, including excess creatinine, drinking 1-2 cups of chamomile tea is recommended.
  • Green Tea: Green tea has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help in reducing oxidative stress in kidney tissues. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation in the kidneys. Drinking this tea regularly also keeps a check on high creatinine levels in the body.
  • Mutrakrichantak Churna: This churna plays a helping hand in lowering the creatinine levels in the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties help you avoid inflammation in the kidneys. However, it is always advisable that you take advice from your doctor before taking any herbs.
  • Varuna: Varuna’s diuretic properties encourage a smooth elimination of toxins from the body, which includes creatinine.
  • Punarnava: An herb that rejuvenates and prevents damage to your kidney tissues is Punarnava. This herb is rich in punarnavoside glycoside, a compound that has shown great results in protecting the kidneys against many diseases. This herb improves overall renal health.

Interested in Ayurvedic treatments? Start your journey to better kidney health with our experts. For immediate assistance, contact us via WhatsApp or call today.

Though the above-mentioned ayurvedic herbs for reducing creatinine work pretty well in containing your creatinine levels, you also need to keep a check on your diet to have a sustained reduction in your creatinine levels. Some of the dietary recommendations for reducing creatinine are:

  • Keep a tab on protein: Protein helps with the formation of cells and tissues in the body. However, an excessive protein intake means your muscles will produce a higher amount of creatinine. Animal-based proteins such as meat, fish, etc. should be consumed in moderation.
  • Refrain from alcohol and tobacco: If you indulge in excessive smoking, it will eventually damage your blood cells. In addition to this, consuming too much alcohol also puts a lot of pressure on the heart and results in cardiovascular diseases. If you want healthy kidneys, you need to avoid cardiovascular issues.
  • Exercise: When you exercise regularly, it helps eliminate waste products through sweating. In addition, regular exercise boosts your cardiovascular health. You don’t have to indulge in heavy exercises to see tangible benefits. Mild exercises such as jogging, fast walking, trekking on an easy slope, etc. are pretty good for pumping up the health of your kidneys.
  • Get Quality Sleep: When you sleep, your body repairs damaged cells and a good sleep also boosts your immune levels. 
  • Parsley juice: Parsley juice’s diuretic properties result in a higher frequency and amount of urination in the body. This results in a reduction in creatinine levels in the body.
  • Include more C in your diet: Vitamin C’s antioxidative properties reduce oxidative stress in the body. In addition to this, vitamin C gives a boost to your body’s immune system too. Fruits such as strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, black currants, etc. are rich in vitamin C. Include them in your diet to improve kidney health.
  • Keep Yourself Well-Hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water helps your body effectively flush out toxins. 8–10 glasses of water each day is considered to be adequate. In addition to water, include fruit and vegetable juices in your daily diet to replenish your hydration needs.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Specific asanas such as Salamba Bhujangasana, Setu Bandhasana, Shashankasana, Pawanmuktasana, Surya Namaskar, and Mandukasana not only promote good renal health, but they have a positive impact on high creatinine levels as well. Additionally, make it a habit to meditate, as it helps in de-stressing.
  • Include More Fiber in the Diet: A high-fiber diet is good for kidneys, and it also reduces creatinine levels. Include whole grains, veggies, broccoli, strawberries, cranberries, etc. in your diet.

Need a personalized diet plan? Get expert advice tailored to your needs. For immediate assistance, contact us via WhatsApp or call today.

A high creatinine value is not a good sign, and you should take measures to keep a check on that. The good thing is that it is not difficult to control your creatinine values. You can take the help of ayurvedic medicines and herbs and make appropriate dietary changes to maintain a healthy creatinine level.

Take control of your kidney health today. Book an appointment with our specialists for a holistic treatment plan. For immediate assistance, contact us via WhatsApp or call today.

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