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Understanding the Doshas: Ayurvedic Perspective on Cancer Causes

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases and it affects millions of people all over the world each year. An abnormal multiplication of carcinogenic cells in the body results in the improper functioning of the affected body organ. Treating cancer has multiple approaches such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, Ayurveda, etc. Ayurvedic approach to health and disease is exclusively through the lens of doshas. Ayurveda places huge importance on the balance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Any imbalance between them results in health disorders in an individual. According to Ayurveda, these doshas are the manifestation of the fundamental forces that are in charge of the physical, emotional, and mental processes that our bodies possess. In fact, cancer treatment in Ayurveda or Ayurvedic treatment for cancer symptoms also aims at rectifying the imbalance among these doshas for effectively treating cancer. The following paragraphs will discuss the doshas in detail.

The Three Doshas and Their Characteristics:

  1. Vata Dosha:
    • Role: Oversees movement, circulation, and maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system.
    • Air and ether elements dominate this dosha.
    • Characteristics: Dryness, lightness, coldness, and irregularity.
  1. Pitta Dosha:
    • Role: Governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation processes inside our bodies.
    • It is dominated by fire and water elements.
    • Characteristics: Heat, sharpness, acidity, and intensity.
  1. Kapha Dosha:
    • Role: Governs structure, stability, and lubrication in the human body.
    • Dominated by water and earth elements.
    • Characteristics: Heaviness, coldness, oiliness, and steadiness.

Cancer and its Relationship with the Dosha Imbalances

According to Ayurveda, cancer is a "granthi" (tumor or growth) or "arbuda" (malignant tumor). Nature, cause, and progression of the disease are determined by the specific doshic imbalance that the body of the cancer patient has.

  1. Vata Imbalance
  • Nature of Imbalance: Vata is responsible for movement and cellular communication in the body. Imbalanced vata in the body leads to disrupted cellular communication and further aggravation of the vata dosha in the body. Vata aggravation can result in erratic and uncontrolled cell division, leading to metastasis or an uncontrolled spread of the cells in the body.
  • What Contributes to Vata Aggravation or Imbalance?
    • Chronic stress and anxiety.
    • Bad sleeping and eating habits.
    • Exposing yourself to harmful radiation for a long period.
  • Cancers Associated with this Imbalance: Neurological and bone cancers
  1. Pitta Imbalance
  • Nature of Imbalance: Pitta rules metabolism and transformation in the body. In an aggravated state, it results in chronic inflammation and fuels the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
  • What Contributes to Pitta Aggravation or Imbalance?
    • Consuming spicy, acidic, or processed foods in higher amounts for prolonged periods.
    • Prolonged exposure to radiation and heat.
  • Cancers Associated with this Imbalance: Liver cancer, skin cancer, and cancers that have inflammatory origins.
  1. Kapha Imbalance
  • Nature of Imbalance: Kapha is responsible for structure and stability. Kapha aggravation can lead to stagnation, resulting in an accumulation of amas or toxins in the body.
  • What Contributes to Kapha Aggravation or Imbalance?
    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Obesity.
    • Consuming sweet, oily, or heavy foods in high amounts.
    • Emotional suppression or attachment.
  • Cancers Associated with this Imbalance: Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.

Some Other Contributing Factors:

  • Ama (Toxic Build-Up): According to Ayurveda, an accumulation of toxins in the body disrupts cellular health. This pressurizes the immune system and adversely impact your body cells. This may lead to an environment conducive to abnormal cell growth in the body.
  • Ojas Depletion: Ojas is the immune power according to Ayurveda and its depletion due to chronic stress, improper diet, and environmental toxins can weaken our defenses, resulting in a favorable environment for the development of carcinogenic cells.
  • Emotional and Mental Factors: Ayurveda is of the view that emotions like grief, anger, and fear can disrupt the body’s energetic balance. Suppressed anger, grief, fear, etc. can result in a negative energy build-up in the body. This weakens the immune system and makes you vulnerable to various diseases including cancer.

Ayurvedic View of Cancer Stages

Ayurvedic view of cancer has six stages in total:

  1. Sanchaya (Accumulation): Lifestyle and dietary factors can result in a build-up of stress or toxins in the body. For example, irregular eating habits can result in a buildup of toxins due to an improper digestion, resulting in toxins or ama build-up.
  2. Prakopa (Aggravation): Intensified imbalances start to affect specific organs. While not at the stage of symptoms manifestation, one starts to notice minute changes in their body.
  3. Prasara (Overflow): This imbalance starts to spread to other parts of the body or metastasis in medical terms.
  4. Sthana Samshraya (Localization): The doshic imbalance starts to dominate a weak area in the body. Localization of the cancer symptoms and weakening of the specific organ begin.
  5. Vyakti (Manifestation): Manifestation of cancer symptoms. Depending on the body part affected, one would notice general or localized symptoms.
  6. Bheda (Differentiation): Advanced stage where cancer symptoms start to aggravate. Carcinogenic cells start to multiply abnormally, leading to severe symptoms.


Treating cancer via Ayurvedic practices is all about finding the specific dosha imbalance and addressing it via potent natural herbs, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications. Ayurveda has a unique perspective on the disease, as it primarily focuses on doshic imbalance and lifestyle habits. Understanding and addressing this doshic imbalance is central to Ayurvedic treatment for cancer. Cancer treatment in Ayurveda focuses on rectifying the doshic imbalance and encouraging the patients to adopt good lifestyle habits for an improved prognosis. However, opting for Ayurvedic treatment without any prior guidance may lead to undesirable outcomes. Consulting with your doctor beforehand is strongly recommended.

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