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What is Alport Syndrome and Where Lies the Treatment?

Alport syndrome is a congenital condition that has an association with kidneys, eye abnormalities, and hearing issues. This is very common for the people suffering from Alport syndrome to experience   a gradual loss in the functioning ability of their kidneys. Every person with Alport syndrome is likely to develop blood in urine which is one fatal sign of kidney diseases. The complication does not end here but people are likely to notice protein loss through urine. In this condition, kidneys malfunction at a rapid pace and eventually develop end-stage renal failure. In the allopathic form of treatment, it is believed that Alport syndrome have no treatment in particular and just can be prevented. However, Alport syndrome Ayurvedic treatment has always contradicted this claim of allopathy with major positive results in the treatment and higher recoveries. It is important for us to understand the damage and the treatment so that it can be taken care of wisely at an initial level.

Fundamentals of Alport syndrome: name, types, and symptoms

This is said to be a rare inherited disease that has got its name in history. Dr. A. Cecil Alport was once evaluating something when he discovered this disease and it was named after the doctor’s name. The effect of the disease can be seen on the kidneys, ear, and eyes. To be very precise, it affects the inner cochlea of the ear. The reason behind the occurrence of this disease is the mutation of genes that affects type IV collagen, which is a family of proteins inside the human body. Collagen is prominent as it is a tissue that develops the basement of eyes, ear, and kidneys.

This medical condition is divided into three board categories. These are X-linked Alport syndrome, autosomal recessive Alport syndrome, and autosomal dominant Alport syndrome. The most common type of this disease among all three is X-linked Alport syndrome that mainly affects the boys and they later develop some lethal kidney problems. In autosomal recessive Alport syndrome, both the parents carry the mutated genes and pass it to their children. The severity and probability of this type of Alport syndrome is equal in boys and girls. On the other hand, autosomal dominant Alport syndrome occurs in the child when he gets the flawed genes from any of the parents.

People with Alport syndrome are likely to notice symptoms such as hematuriahypertensionproteinuria, hearing issues, edema, and flank pain. These symptoms are the result of poor filtration of toxins out of the body due to the damage of glomeruli.

With the passing of every single day this condition can get more fatal and getting the right Alport syndrome treatment in Ayurveda becomes the most important thing to do in such time. There are some magical ways in which Alport syndrome Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial for humans. Let us read about those points.

Here is the treatment: Ayurveda

As per allopathy, there is no treatment in specific that can cure the condition of Alport syndrome and the aim of the treatment is only be the prevention of the complications and slowing down of the progression but in some cases, it doesn’t work for real and a strong treatment is needed. In the allopathic form of treatment, doctors would suggest the use of diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and medication to control hypertension in order to get control over Alport syndrome. In such a condition Alport syndrome, Ayurvedic treatment becomes the greatest help with their authentic and tested theories and medicines.

Alport syndrome treatment in Ayurveda makes the use of some herbal medicines that are the natural diuretics and have the prominent therapeutic qualities that can soothe the ailment in the best possible way. Ayurveda is one holistic treatment that works on the root causes of Alport syndrome. The use of combined herbs and old therapies is done for the treatment. While the herbal medicines are in action, the patients are suggested with some required changes in the lifestyle routine, exercise routine, and diet. It is very important to look after the overall health along with the medicines for which Alport syndrome treatment in Ayurveda suggests some points such as:

  • Taking good care of the blood pressure.
  • Making use of natural diuretics and water pills.
  • Putting limitations over the consumption of sodium.
  • Making use of herbal medicines to prevent other losses in kidneys.
  • Staying hydrated.
  • Doing proper and regular exercises and practicing yoga.

These are some of the useful things that take care of your Alport syndrome along with the herbal medicines.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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