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What is Anuria and How It Can Affect the Functioning of Human Anatomy?

We all have heard about the term hydronephrosis, a situation where the urine production is continuing but is getting retained in the body. Have you ever listened to a condition where the urine output gets obstructed and doesn’t produce at all? Well, it is a rare synopsis but lethal. It may come as a result of a predisposition related to kidney damage or kidney failure.

The process of urine production is a necessity of the human anatomy. This process helps in getting rid of the wastes and poisons/toxins from the body. It also helps in sustaining the healthy measurements of electrolytes, minerals, and fluids in the body.

The wastes are needed to be thrown out of the body through this process, or else the body will get caught by severe diseases in the body and maybe even death. So, keep reading on the blog to know Ayurvedic management.

The body will trigger Anuria’s presence when the kidneys begin to produce urine less than 500 mL/day. The average levels of excreted urine in an adult are between 1 and 2 liters. Urine production is a pivotal process to sustain healthy wellbeing. But of this, processing gets barricading or any obstruction, and then the patient might suffer from severe losses.

What are the causes of Anuria?

The causes of kidney or renal diseases are similar to an extent. The only other possibility in the occurrence of this disease is to get influenced by the bad heart health. So, to explain this similarity and probability, take a glance at the following causes:

  • Recurrent pyelonephritis: As per the observation and declaration by physicians and nephrologists that the frequent events of kidney infections affect the way kidneys function. The job is not only to filter the blood but to convert the waste into urine.
  • Diabetes: The persistently elevated levels of glucose in the blood may despair the way kidneys produce urine. Uncontrolled diabetes may damage the blood vessels resulting in Anuria and Acute renal failure.
  • Kidney stones: The most common phenomenon and an easy excess for diseases to enter the body is binding all the wastes together and form a crystal or a stone. The stone’s size may occupy the space where the two ends of the kidney and ureter meet, making the stones stay in kidneys and obstruct the urine production.
  • Renal failure: After crossing the four stages before, the kidneys must have been traumatized a lot. It may have caused a lot of damage that has affected the urine production capacity as well. In most of the cases, the failure is sudden, which is also known as Acute Kidney Failure.
  • High blood pressure: It is the primary cause and a prime factor that affects the functioning of kidneys and heart altogether. The increased pressure flow of blood to kidneys and back to the heart damages all the blood vessels connected in between the transportation.
  • Tumour: A bunch of accumulated wastes and blood clots and the tumor caused by cancer; both harm the urine producing capacity of the kidneys.
  • Heart failure: It is a sudden attack on the heart’s functioning, making it incapable of circulating blood. When the blood doesn’t circulate, the kidneys will have neither oxygen nor energy to function.

What are the symptoms do the kidneys indicate to embark on the presence of Anuria?

Anuria; it is not a disease but a disorder that acts as a symptom too. It is a loss that had become a medical condition and symptom to mark the need for excellent treatment. Depending on the type of cause, it initiates the symptoms, such as:

If Anuria has caused because of kidney diseases, then probably the following would be the symptoms:

  • Edema (swollen legs, feet, arms, and abdominal area)
  • Dry, patchy and itchy skin
  • Sudden stabbing pain on the lower back
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of breath
  • Fatigue

If the cause is heart failure, then the following would be the symptoms:

  • Out of breath
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Loss of hunger
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Persistent coughing

In the case of diabetes, the following would be the symptoms:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Flank pain in the abdominal area
  • Bad breath

What are the complications associated with Anuria?

Anuria is a kidney disorder that later becomes a significant cause of kidney failure. An untreated medical condition might lead to the following complications like permanent damage to the functioning of kidneys and may acquire dialysis and kidney transplant.

What is the Ayurvedic treatment for Anuria?

The Ayurvedic approach to kidney disease treatment helps in the reincarnation of kidneys’ functioning with the help of natural herbs and modifications in the diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda has the beauty of recovering the damage of its roots. It works on the core concerns of the disease that may have made a house in our bodies for an extended period. As Anuria is itself a primary symptom of kidney failure, the management is done by emphasizing the causes for complete removal.

Management of diabetes:

Diabetes is a significant cause of kidney disease that may have elevated glucose levels in the blood. It is a progressive disease that may come as a Mendelian trait from the biological family. In Ayurveda, the management of food and lifestyle will be easy to adopt by a person with diabetes and will eventually reduce sugar levels.

Dissolving the kidney stones:

The stones in the renal system can be problematic if they are not dissolved within time. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones manages the diet plan and assess the yoga asana in such a way that the sufferer would agree to continue the natural treatment easily. A few beverages and remedies would be advised to dissolve the stones naturally.

Management of Kidney disease:

Kidney diseases are indeed the progressive ones that have a temporary cure in the allopathic treatment. The continual efforts invested by our Kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan is proving day after another the authenticity of Ayurveda for kidney disease treatment without dialysis and kidney transplant. You can surf the YouTube channel to rest assured about the same. However, the management of kidney diseases is purely about the amalgamation of adequate diet and lifestyle to heal the damage naturally. Herbs like Punarnava, Gokhru, and Guduchi are some of the best Ayurvedic medicines that have cured numerous kidney disease patients.

The Takeaway:

Anuria itself is not a disease but a kidney disorder that comes after the damaged kidney and partial kidney failure. Apparently, never had the Ayurveda lost its credibility to cure even the chronic diseases in no time. However, Anuria is a severe disorder that needs to be taken care of at the earliest.

Karma Ayurveda Hospital is an Ayurvedic institution that has built its ground back in the year 1937 with an only mission of repairing the damage incurred by kidneys organically. A vision of providing natural cure with no synthetically made pills and tablets. If not, the forefathers of Dr. Puneet Dhawan have had initiated the effort; the team of experts couldn’t reach the milestone of Lakh kidney disease survivors. The mission is to ‘Stop Kidney Dialysis,’ and the vision is to see a world free from the artificial process; a world of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic care only. Ayurveda contemplates the diversity of natural resources available around us that even the makers of chemical medicines use. Herbs like Gokhru, Punarnava, Shilajeet, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, etc. play a critical role in the natural recovery from any kidney disease.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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