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Pyuria is a condition that refers to the presence of white blood cells, or pus cells, in the urine. Women are at a higher risk of developing pyuria than men.

Pyuria is, without a doubt, the most common cause of white blood cells in the urine due to infection of the urinary system. This is often referred to as a UTI. It usually occurs in the bladder but can also occur in the kidneys. Pyuria can be treated with Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment.

The urinary tract is a set of organs specialized in producing and excreting urine. Pyuria or urinary tract infection (UTI) is the presence of an infectious agent in any or all of the organs within the urinary tract-

  • Kidneys- Filter blood to produce urine and remove waste.
  • Ureters- Carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • Bladder- Stores urine until it can be excreted.
  • Urethra- Expels urine from the body.

What are the Symptoms of Pyuria?

Symptoms of Pyuria include-

  • Foamy urine.
  • A burning sensation when urinating.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Frequent urination.

Pyuria caused by other infections includes symptoms like-

  • Stomach ache.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Nausea and vomiting are signs of kidney problems.
  • Bladder pain

What Causes Pyuria?

Pyuria is often caused by a disease or condition affecting the urinary tract. However, any condition that causes an excessive amount of pus or inflammation has the potential to cause pus in the urine. This is because the kidneys filter blood, and blood flows through every inch of the body. Regardless of the source of infection, the kidneys filter pus if the concentration is high enough. High concentrations of solutes (particles suspended in a liquid or solution) are more likely to pass through a barrier when they have a high concentration gradient (the difference in concentration between two areas). Solutes naturally move from areas of high concentration to low concentration. Therefore, a high concentration of pus in the blood naturally flows from the blood into the urine (low-concentration solution).

The causes of pyuria are-

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)- Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Human Papillomavirus, Syphilis, and HIV.
  • Urinary tract infections and urinary tract stones (hard mineral masses).
  • Kidney disease.
  • Parasite.
  • Pneumonia (a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection in one or both lungs) and tuberculosis (a lung infection caused by the tuberculosis bacteria).
  • Bladder cancer, urinary tract tumors, and polycystic kidney disease (clusters of cysts or fluid-filled sacs that develop in the kidneys).
  • Chronic prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate due to infection) and prostate cancer.
  • Autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Kawasaki disease (inflammation of the blood vessels).

Pyuria is also caused by long-term use of certain drugs-

  • Antibiotics- Nitrofurantoin and those containing penicillin.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)- ibuprofen and aspirin.
  • Proton pump inhibitor- omeprazole.
  • Other anti-inflammatory agents- olsalazine.
  • Diuretics.

How is Pyuria Diagnosed?

Medical history is the most important step in the diagnostic pathway. Urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria and hematuria should be diagnosed with caution. General symptoms such as pallor, hypertension, rash, edema, depressed heart tone, organomegaly, swollen joints, and lymphadenopathy may indicate a serious underlying pathology. The diagnosis must be made by-

  • Urinalysis- Urinalysis is the primary test for pyuria. If the pyuria is not sterile, repeat the culture and there will be a positive result. Vaginal leukocyte contamination is common in women, so clean catches should be collected and the use of antiseptic solutions should be avoided to rule out false negative tests.
  • Blood tests- Routine blood tests for a complete blood count, as well as kidney and liver function tests, are essential. Chlamydia and gonorrhea tampons are recommended for sexually active patients. Eosinophilia is an important predictor of drug-induced interstitial nephritis.
  • Imaging tests- Imaging tests depend on the medical history and clinical examination results. A kidney ultrasound or CT scan may be done to diagnose kidney stones, masses, or nephritis. If a tumor is suspected, cystourethroscopy and tissue removal are performed. This technique can also diagnose and treat benign pathologies such as bladder stones.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pyuria

Pyuria or urinary tract infections (UTI) is commonly referred to as Mutravahasrota Roga in Ayurveda.

In general, disorders of the bladder and urethra are referred to as mutraghata.

Metabolic disorders characterized by excessive urination (polyuria) are commonly called prameha. Urinary tract disease is caused by increased Vata dosha. They can be treated with kidney treatment in Ayurveda i.e. diuretics (Mutravirechana) which stimulates urine flow and balances the downward flow of Vata dosha.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Pyuria

  • Shilajit.
  • Tribulus Terrestris.
  • Guduchi.
  • Punarnava.
  • Varuna.
  • Chandan.

Ayurvedic Diet for Pyuria

  • Reduce spicy food. Drink as much water as possible. Fresh lemon juice, fresh coconut water, orange juice, sugar cane juice, and pineapple juice are very helpful.
  • Consume seasonal fruits such as apples, peaches, grapes, berries, pomegranates, figs, and prunes in large quantities.
  • The lactobacillus in cottage cheese can provide your body with probiotics and help correct imbalances caused by bacterial infections.
  • Use cinnamon as a medicinal spice in cooking. Drink herbal tea with cinnamon as it has an antibacterial effect that prevents pyuria.
  • Cardamom spice works as a best Ayurvedic kidney Treatment and is known well as a diuretic. Chew cardamom daily to cleanse the urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys.
  • The soothing coriander drink will nourish and cool your urinary tract, helping to flush out toxins.
  • Include fiber in your diet (legumes like beans and horse legumes are excellent sources of fiber).
  • Instead of regular salt, use Himalayan pink crystal salt, rock salt, or sea salt, which can put pressure on the kidneys and bladder.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle for Pyuria

  • Limit exposure to extreme heat and sunlight.
  • Don’t resist the urge to urinate as it traps toxins in your system.
  • Avoid wet and humid conditions that can lead to urinary tract infections.
  • Do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles that allows good functioning of urinary tract.
  • Yoga asanas that strengthen the pelvic floor and urinary system include Gomulhasana (Cow Face Pose), Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieve Pose), Ardha Matsendrasana (Half Curved Spine Pose), Uthanpadasana (Leg Lifting Pose), Viparita Karani (Legs Up Pose).
  • Panchakarma for Pyuria- Panchakarma is a holistic method of removing toxins and purification.

In Ayurveda, a balanced state of doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha is responsible for good health. Pyuria is caused by an imbalance of body fluids. Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda involves flushing out the infection through detoxification, clearing blockages in the urinary tract, and administering herbs to strengthen the kidneys.

The best Ayurvedic medicine for kidney treatment you can get is Lekhniya Guggul Ayurvedic Tablets. These tablets are specialized in eliminating kidney problems and UTI-related diseases as this medicine is made using ayurvedic herbs and is paraben or chemical free.

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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