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What is Yoga? History and Types of Yoga

Do you know what Yoga is?

Fundamentally Yoga is an ethereal discipline based on fine science whose main focus is to bring peace to mind and body. Yoga is an art of a healthy lifestyle. “Yoga” originated from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj,’ which means unite and join. Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that has become famous worldwide as it is really important for a person’s physical and mental well-being.

Yoga is really helpful for people with respiratory problems and people who face issues while concentrating. As Yoga teaches us breathing techniques and meditation. Yoga has various distinct yoga styles that vary from simple ones to ones that are challenging physically. Each one of the yoga styles benefits the body differently. These yoga styles are called asanas, which help build strength and stamina; it also improves flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Let’s know about the History Of Yoga.

It is believed that the practice of Yoga was started with the very emergence of civilization. It has its origins long before the religions and beliefs were born. Lord Shiva has been seen as the first yogi in this yogic mythology. The practice of Yoga was started at the time of civilization in Indus-Saraswati in northern India thousands of years ago. Yoga was very first mentioned in the Rig Vedas, which consists of songs, rituals, and mantras.

In earlier times, Yoga was used to describe a dying warrior. Throughout the Vedic times, the priests were used to be very focused and disciplined. They used to perform yajna, which in our today’s modern world we called Yoga poses.

During the 3rd century, Yoga became popular in many religions like Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus. Yoga was practiced for meditation and spiritual use, and it was known as Yogacharya, which consists of some eight essential steps known as insight.

In the 5th century, Yoga was not used to be a workout exercise. It was known for meditation and spiritual use only. During this time, the idea of Yoga became more entrenched in Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains.

The initial key value focused on the root of suffering and used meditation for solving the problem. The second key value focused on enhancing consciousness. And ultimately, the third was used to attain supremacy. The fourth one was quite a puzzle as in this; Yoga was used to perforate into another person’s body for acting paranormally.

Ultimately, later Yoga became widely popular due to the Indian nationalist movement. Later, Yoga was encouraged by significant institutions and families until India got independence in 1947. And now Yoga is practiced by people worldwide in many ways and varieties.

Types Of Yoga

There are various types of Yoga that have helped out to put up to its unceasing admiration over hundreds and thousands of years. There are a variety of ways to exercise this primitive form of workout. Here we are mentioning some broadly believed types of Yoga from which you can choose what works wonders for your health and lifestyle.

Yoga varies from simple breathing and relaxing exercises to sweat full exercises. It’s up to you what you want to perform.

  • Ashtanga Yoga – Ashtanga yoga is a vigorous and demanding type of Yoga that accompanies a sequence of sets. Surprisingly it is a kind of Vinyasa Yoga. It is an asana that is challenging and demanding physically. This asana is a way to improve one’s stamina and flexibility.
  • Bikram Yoga – Bikram Yoga consists of 26 postures sets of series and two breathing exercises that are carried out at a temperature of 40 degrees Celcius to refresh the Indian climate. The heat is used to detoxify via sweat and helps in flexibility.
  • Iyengar Yoga – This type of yoga helps in the positioning and accuracy of Yoga. The person performing this Yoga may need distinct props for the correct positioning. Other than the rest of the yogas, this type of Yoga takes a great level of attentiveness for achieving the correct posture. Iyengar Yoga does not require much stretching.
  • Kundalini Yoga – This type of Yoga merges sound, movement, and breath and takes the form of a song. This Yoga actuates your religious powers, which can be found at the bottom of your spine.
  • Restorative Yoga – This Yoga helps keep the body calm and in a rest position. Each position can be held up to somewhat 20 minutes. In this asana, the performer attains the position of relaxation and It also helps in relieving stress.
  • Yin Yoga – Yin yoga is much more like restorative Yoga. It stretches to elongate the muscles. Starters can hold this posture for a few minutes, whereas the experts can hold it for ten or more minutes.
  • Hath Yoga – Hath yoga basically teaches physical postures. Its more likely to be simple poses for relaxation for the starters.

Yoga for essential Organs

Yoga is really important for a person’s overall health, either mental health or physical health. Still, certain body parts need special attention and good care as it is our body’s vital organs, without which our body can not work properly and in an orderly manner.

  • Yoga For Heart – Practicing yoga regularly and on daily basis can help you in keeping your heart healthy. As it helps in lowering high blood pressure, it controls blood glucose level and cholesterol. It reduces the risk of heart attack and makes our lifestyle better and healthy.
  • Yoga For Kidney – Yoga can be an outstanding treatment for kidney patients. Yoga helps in enhancing the overall health of kidneys. It reduces the risk of kidney cancer and also upgrades the standard of life for kidney patients.
  • Yoga for Lungs – Yoga is an amazing type of exercise for people having lung problems. If we practice Yoga regularly then we can enhance our lung capacity and can also increase oxygen gain. Simply Yoga is healthy for our lungs.

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