Cancer is an umbrella term for a group of diseases where normal cells turn carcinogenic and spread rapidly. Carcinogenic cells often multiply rapidly, and they ignore apoptosis (a programmed death of cells in the body). Cancer cells often move all over the body, spreading the disease all over the body. Cancer starts when there is an abnormal mutation in the genes of cells. These cells grow rapidly and move to different parts of the body (also known as metastasis). Cancer treatment Ayurveda or Ayurveda cancer treatment focuses on containing the growth of cancerous cells and managing the symptoms associated with the specific cancer. Ayurveda treatment for cancer offers drugs, best Ayurvedic medicine for cancer, therapeutic procedures, etc. to effectively manage this disease.
Types of cancer
- Anal Cancer: Anal cancer, or carcinoma of the anal canal, refers to a condition when cancerous cells develop on the lining of your anal canal. Rectal bleeding or persistent anal itching are some of the most common symptoms.
- Colon Cancer: Colon cancer is a condition when certain polyps or growths in the inner lining of your colon develop and turn cancerous. Screening tests are performed to detect precancerous polyps before they can turn carcinogenic. Learn more about Colon Cancer
- Brain Tumor: An abnormal growth or mass of cells in or around your brain is termed a brain tumor. Brain tumors can be either benign or malignant. Carcinogenic tumor cells in the brain can negatively impact the functioning of the brain and are often fatal.
- Blood Cancer: Blood cancer is a condition where there is an abnormal production of white blood cells in the blood. Most blood cancers have bone marrow as their starting point. Blood cancer has three types: leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Learn more about Blood Cancer
- Mouth Cancer: Mouth cancer, or oral cancer, can refer to any cancer that affects our mouth. Oral cancer can easily spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. You can experience mouth pain, oral cavity pain, etc. Men suffer from oral cancer more than women.
- Prostate Cancer: The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland that is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum in men. Any cancer affecting this gland is termed prostate cancer. In the majority of cases, prostate cancer is diagnosed after it has spread beyond the prostate gland. Learn more about Prostate Cancer
- Stomach Cancer: Stomach or gastric cancer has its starting point in the cells lining the stomach. Stomach cancer has various types, such as gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors, adenocarcinoma of the stomach, etc.
- Tongue Cancer: Tongue cancer comes under the head and neck cancer category. When carcinogenic cells start to grow and divide explosively in the tongue, it is known as tongue cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is considered to be the most common form of tongue cancer.
- Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is a medical condition that occurs when abnormal breast cells grow uncontrollably. The starting point of breast cancer cells is inside the milk ducts or the milk-producing lobules inside the breast. Early treatment is necessary for the effective treatment of this disease. Learn more about Breast Cancer
- Gallbladder Cancer: A small, pear-shaped organ located on the right side of your abdomen, the gallbladder stores bile, which is a digestive fluid produced by our liver. If cancer cells develop inside this organ, it is known as gallbladder cancer. In most cases, gallbladder cancer is not detected at an early stage.
- Liver Cancer: When malignant cells develop inside the liver, it is known as liver cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma and bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) are two of the most common types of liver cancer. Liver cancer is extremely common and is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world.
- Ovarian Cancer: A cancer that begins in the ovaries (female organs that produce eggs) is known as ovarian cancer. This cancer has few symptoms in its early stages. If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, then you run the risk of getting this disease.
- Throat Cancer: Throat cancer is a cancer that develops either in your throat (pharynx) or in your voice box (larynx). This cancer often starts in the flat cells lining the inside side of your throat. Some of the major types of throat cancer are nasopharyngeal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, glottic cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer (laryngopharyngeal cancer), etc.
- Tonsil Cancer: Tonsil cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow rapidly, resulting in the formation of tumors or lesions. Tonsil cancer belongs to the oropharyngeal cancer category. Tonsil cancer mostly affects people over 50.
- Kidney Cancer: When cells in our kidneys grow out of control and negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, it is known as kidney cancer. These cancerous cells can move out of the kidneys and affect other parts of the body. The most common types of kidney cancer are renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell cancer, and Wilms tumor. Learn More About Kidney Cancer
- Lung Cancer: Lung cancer refers to the condition when carcinogenic cells develop inside your lungs. The lungs play a massive role in controlling breathing. If you smoke regularly, your chances of getting lung cancer improve significantly. Learn more about Lung Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreatic cancer is a condition where cancer cells begin to develop and grow rapidly inside your pancreas. Major symptoms include nausea, bloating, fatigue, jaundice, diminishing appetite, etc. Early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely presents any symptoms. Exocrine tumors and neuroendocrine tumors are two of the most common types of pancreatic cancer.
- Thyroid Cancer: Thyroid cancer is a condition when cells mutate rapidly inside your thyroid. If the number of cancer cells is significant, then they form tumors. If detected early, thyroid cancer is treatable. Classic symptoms of this cancer include neck and throat pain, lumps in the neck, etc.
- Uterus Cancer: Cancer of the uterus refers to the condition when abnormal cells develop in the uterus and grow out of proportion. Endometrial cancer and uterine sarcomas are two of the most common types of uterine cancer. It is considered the most common gynecologic cancer.
- Bile Duct Cancer: Cholangiocarcinoma, or bile duct cancer, is an aggressive form of cancer affecting old people. It starts in bile ducts and is often detected in the later stages. Bile-duct cancer is rare and more common in Southeast Asia.
- Cervical Cancer: Cervical cancer is the growth of carcinogenic cells in the cervix. It is the fourth-most common cancer among women worldwide. This cancer can also affect the deeper tissues of the cervix.
- Lymphoma Cancer: Lymphoma refers to the cancer that affects our lymphatic system. Lymphoma is a condition when healthy white blood cells in the lymphatic system begin to mutate and grow rapidly.
- Ethmoid Sinus Cancer: An extremely rare cancer, ethmoid sinus cancer has its origins in the sinuses. It can easily move from the sinuses to the nasal cavity.
- Multiple Myeloma: Multiple myeloma, or Kahler's disease, is the second most common type of blood cancer after leukemia. In this cancer, plasma cells divide and mutate abnormally. These cells allow a higher amount of protein into your bones and organs, eventually damaging them.
Symptoms That Signal Cancer
One must note that the symptoms of cancer can vary vastly, depending on the organ that it affects. However, some of the most common symptoms associated with cancer are:
- Sudden unusual skin changes
- Development of lumps in the body
- Experiencing pain for unknown reasons
- Sudden and sharp weight loss
- Trouble swallowing, pain while swallowing, etc.
- Persistent fatigue for unknown reasons
- Sudden changes in bowel or bladder habits
- Trouble breathing, hoarseness in the voice, etc.
What Causes Cancer?
- Genetic mutations
- Tobacco use
- Severe Radiation exposure
- Carcinogens like asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde.
- Unhealthy diet biased toward red, processed meat
- Obesity
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Family History
Cancer Treatment Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for cancer makes use of Ayurvedic herbs to contain the overgrowth of carcinogenic cells and offers therapeutic procedures and dietary recommendations to improve the quality of life of the patients. Some of the most commonly used herbs for cancer treatment in Ayurveda are:
- Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is one of the most potent herbs and is used extensively in Ayurvedic treatment for carcinoma. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces inflammation in the body. Plus, this herb boosts the overall immunity of our body, resulting in a better chance of fighting off different types of cancer.
- Amalaki/Amla/Gooseberry: Amla is a potent cancer Ayurvedic medicine. Regular consumption of Amla has been linked with reduced damage to the cellular DNA structure. Amla also plays a role in reducing free radical oxidation in the liver, brain, breast, colon-related, and lung tissues. Amalaki may promote a reduction in the activation of proinflammatory cells.
- Turmeric, Haridra, and Curcumin: Turmeric has long been used to treat multiple diseases in Ayurveda, and it has also been used in the Ayurvedic treatment of tumors. Turmeric boosts the immunity of the body, and turmeric-fortified mouthwash has shown good results in reducing mouth edema. It is an effective Ayurvedic cancer medicine and has multiple benefits.
- Giloy/Guduchi: Giloy is also used in cancer treatment in Ayurveda, as its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties boost the immunity of cancer patients. It also has a role in inhibiting the uncontrolled division of cells in the body. In Ayurvedic treatment of cancer, giloy is combined with herbs like ashwagandha, turmeric, and guggulu to effectively treat cancer and the complications associated with it.
- Kalmegh/Racha Vemu: Ayurvedic treatment for carcinoma also makes use of Kalmegh, which has been linked with destroying cancer cells. Extract from this Ayurvedic herb boosts the immune system. The extracts of this herb also help in rectifying the imbalance of the three doshas.
Ayurveda for cancer not only focuses on Ayurvedic cancer medicine to cure cancer, but it also lists down lifestyle modifications so that you live a quality life. Some of the best practices for cancer patients are:
- Eat well: This goes without saying. You become what you eat. Try to have a diet that is rich in protein, veggies, and fruits. Your meals should be fresh and low in sodium. Avoid processed foods. Try to stay away from alcohol and tobacco.
- Exercise regularly: Exercise regularly, as it massively boosts your immunity. Additionally, regular exercise lifts our mood. However, it is vital that you consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine.
- Get enough sleep: A minimum of seven to eight hours every night is vital for your overall well-being. Our immune system repairs the damage accumulated in the cells during this period. This would help you cope with your cancer symptoms in a better way.
- Yoga: Yoga exercises such as deep breathing, meditation, etc. help cancer patients deal with the anxiety and depression that accompany cancer treatment. Consult with your doctor for the suitable yoga asanas for your symptoms.
Suffering from cancer can be an ordeal, and it is best to avoid it. However, timely treatment of cancer improves your prognosis massively. Ayurvedic treatment for tumors advocates the use of herbal drugs to contain the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells, yoga for improving the quality of life, and dietary recommendations to boost the immunity of cancer patients.
Seeking effective cancer treatment options? Contact Karma Ayurveda to learn about our comprehensive Ayurvedic therapies. Schedule your appointment today. Reach out on WhatsApp or call now.
Why Karma Ayurveda for Cancer Treatment?
Established in 1937, Karma Ayurveda Hospital is one of the best Ayurvedic cancer hospital in India. Carrying a legacy of over 85 years, Karma Ayurveda prides in providing the best cancer treatment in India. We don’t claim to be the best Ayurvedic hospital for cancer, however, we can assure you of one thing. Our treatment would be affordable and would allow you to live a dignified, quality life. We try to offer the best Ayurvedic treatment for Cancer to our patients. We are one of the few hospitals that offer stage 4 cancer treatment in India. Boasting an eminent staff of doctors and a world-class infrastructure, Karma Ayurveda has been at the forefront when it comes to providing affordable and effective treatment for cancer. If you are looking for the best Ayurvedic cancer hospital, look no further than Karma Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda leaves no stone unturned when it comes to providing the best Ayurvedic cancer treatment in India.