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Though our kidneys are designed to not allow a significant amount of protein to pass out of the body, this system may encounter an issue if the kidneys are damaged or their functioning compromised. Proteinuria is often considered by nephrologists to be a marker of an underlying kidney disease in the body. Starting an appropriate proteinuria treatment timely becomes vital for an improved prognosis.

How Long Can You Live with Proteinuria?

If you are suffering from proteinuria, then you must be wondering, “How long can you live with Proteinuria?” The answer is, that it entirely depends on the severity of your disease. According to the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, men above 40 with proteinuria tend to have a shorter life expectancy than someone without this disease:

  • In case of no proteinuria: 31.8 years
  • Mild proteinuria: 23.2 years
  • Heavy proteinuria: 16.6 years

In the case of women, those suffering from mild albuminuria have a life span that is at least 9 years shorter than the women not suffering from this disease. The life span of women with heavy albuminuria is close to 14 years shorter than a healthy woman with no albuminuria.

Can you live a long life with proteinuria?

The answer is yes, however, it all depends on how well you manage your disease and its associated complications. If you have not developed any associated complications and are free from cardiovascular issues, then you can easily live a long, healthy life. You must take the best medicine for proteinuria that addresses your disease from the core. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria has emerged as a great way to treat this disease in an herbal way. Since proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment uses herbs to treat this disease, you have minimal risk of getting any side effects.

Proteinuria Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine centers around using appropriate Ayurvedic medicine for protein in urine. Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda uses herbs like Gokshura, Punarnava, Ginger, Triphala, etc. to treat this disease. Apart from using herbs, you also need to take care of your diet and include lifestyle changes for a complete cure.

Herbs for Proteinuria Treatment:

  • Punarnava: The best medicine for proteinuria is Punarnava. It has diuretic properties and provides an effective elimination of toxins from the body. Punarnava also has anti-inflammatory properties which control kidney inflammation. Punarnava also helps with the rejuvenation of the kidney tissues.
  • Kaasni: Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, Kaasni reduces inflammation in the kidney tissues. Regularly consuming this herb has also been linked with improved renal functions.
  • Gokshura: Gokshura is a great diuretic and regularly consuming this herb strengthens the waste removal process in the body. The anti-lithiasis properties present in this herb discourage the formation of kidney stones in the body.

Diet Recommendations for Proteinuria Patients:

Regular consumption of turmeric and cinnamon keeps a check on blood sugar levels and indirectly promotes the healthy functioning of the kidneys.

  • Grains like rice, millet, and wheat strengthen our renal functions; include them.
  • Amla’s high concentration of vitamin C results in reduced oxidative stress in the kidney tissues.
  • Processed, high-sodium and high-protein foods should be consumed in extreme moderation.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Both harm our kidneys and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Do Yoga and meditate regularly as well. This would help in weight and stress management.

Proteinuria is a common kidney disease; however, you need to take timely measures to cure this disease. if you are grappling with the question, “Can you live a long life with proteinuria?”, then the answer is yes, though, you need timely treatment for that to happen. Treat the disease early, take preventive measures, and follow a kidney-friendly diet for a healthy life even with proteinuria.

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