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How to stop dialysis naturally and permanently?

Kidneys are the bean like structure. Their main function is to filter the blood and remove the wastes from our body. The proper functioning of kidneys helps our body to regulate the functioning of kidneys and other organs properly. Kidneys are the part of urinary tract system or a renal system. An upset kidney or a failed kidney will land us to some severe threats. Ignoring the kidneys can cause numerous problems. There are few common symptoms and signs that kidney gives to us to determine the disturbances going on in our body  system. It filters about 200 quarters of blood in a day and produces 12 quarters of waste.

Don't wait for symptoms to worsen; consult with our Ayurvedic experts today!

Nephrons present in kidney plays a key role to filter the blood. Kidney helps to maintain homeostasis, which regulates the fluid balance. The performance of kidneys influences the functioning of hormones and adrenal gland. Fun fact is, even after knowing the very nature and functioning of kidneys, we follow various paths to ignore the symptoms and even fail to provide necessary fluids to the blood and body. Our choice of taking beverages other than water has made us a complete failure. Adaptation of allopathic medications and methods have made us forget our very own Kidney treatment in Ayurveda.

Learn how natural treatments can restore kidney health. Contact us now!

Kidney disease is a dominant health disorder with which millions of people are diagnosed today but are unable to find the natural solution of it. Here we are going to discuss how these persisting health conditions take a person to the stage of dialysis and how to stop dialysis naturally.

When you should start to worry about kidneys?

When your kidneys are not functioning properly, you feel the disturbances going in the body. Following are the symptoms that a failed kidney will give:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Edema
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor concentration
  • Low sexual performance
  • Increased output of urine
  • Swelling in body or Oedema

If you notice these symptoms, schedule a consultation with our specialists immediately!

What is dialysis and why it is not the right solution for kidney disease?

Many kidney patients around the world are undergoing dialysis thinking that it will make them free from kidney-related disorders permanently. All these kidney patients need to know that dialysis is not a treatment but is that surgical procedure which performs some functions of the kidneys, to relieve the complications of kidney disease only for some time. Before discussing how to stop kidney dialysis naturally, let’s know that at which stage the situation of kidney dialysis arises.

The need for kidney dialysis arises when a person faces the stage of kidney failure. Kidney failure is the stage of health at which both the kidneys of a person get failed to perform its functions. At this stage, dialysis purifies the blood and eliminates the waste out of the body. But this artificial treatment is just a quick fix to the symptoms of kidney disease. This artificial procedure is also found to link with many health complications such as:

  • Sudden weight gain and muscle weakness
  • High level of blood sugar
  • Weakness of bones
  • Low blood pressure
  • A situation of a hernia
  • Fever and stomach pain
  • Infection and hypothermia

Those who are seeking an answer for how to stop dialysis naturally are advised to bring necessary changes to their diet and lifestyle.

Is the prevention of kidney failure possible?

Yes, the stage of kidney failure can be prevented. All you have to do is to eliminate negative aspects of your lifestyle and eating habits. By adopting some habits, one can easily stay away from the stage of kidney failure. These major preventions are:

  • Regulating high blood sugar level or diabetes
  • Regulating high blood pressure level or hypertension
  • Taking medications for the overall reduction in blood sugar and blood pressure level.
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Eating low cholesterol food
  • Drinking adequate amount of water

These preventions are the correct answer to how to stop dialysis naturally.

Prevent Kidney Failure: Adopt these healthy habits and Consult our Ayurvedic experts for personalized advice!

Who provides kidney disease treatment without dialysis?

Risk factors that are found to associate with dialysis clearly state, that it is not the right procedure for kidney disease treatment. To keep the kidney patients away from this surgical procedure and its complications, Karma Ayurveda Hospital is putting all its efforts since 1937. This kidney care center had brought more than 1,50,000 kidney patients out of dialysis and kidney transplant protocol by.

Join thousands of others who have found relief through our natural treatments. Contact us today!

Disclaimer:- The purpose of the content on this page is not to substitute any professional medical advice but to only provide information to the reader. If the reader is a kidney patient, we recommend not making any diet or routine changes without consulting his/her doctor or dietitian. For appointments, call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."


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