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Kidney Treatment in Himachal Pradesh

Our kidneys are bean-shaped with the size of a fist and they have the all-important function of filtering extra water and wastes from our blood and making urine. Damaged kidneys cannot filter your blood properly. This results in An accumulation of wastes in The body, which can turn fatal. If you are suffering from certain diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., then your chances of getting kidney diseases increase substantially. In The present age, apart from clinical treatment, you have effective Ayurvedic kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh as well.

Types of Kidney Diseases

Kidney diseases are of various types. Some of the most common kidney diseases are:

Symptoms of Kidney Diseases

Kidney diseases exhibit a wide range of symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Concentration Issues
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Swelling in Feet and Ankles
  • Puffy eyes in The morning
  • A skin that feels dry and scaly
  • A higher frequency of urination late at night

Some symptoms that indicate that your disease is progressing into later stages are:

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Changes in Urine output
  • Fluid retention in The body
  • A continuous decrease in Sex drive
  • A sudden spike in Potassium levels (hyperkalemia)


The major causes of kidney diseases are:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Heart disease and/or heart failure
  • Obesity
  • Family history of kidney diseases
  • Excessive smoking and drinking
  • Autoimmune conditions like Lupus nephritis
  • Sepsis

Best kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh

When it comes to kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh, you have multiple options such as clinical treatment and Ayurvedic kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh. Doctors may prescribe specific medications to halt the progress of your kidney disease and improve your symptoms. However, if the disease has reached an advanced stage, then you may be advised dialysis or kidney transplant in Extreme cases.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurvedic kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh has attracted a lot of attention in The past few years, as it is riskless and non-invasive too. Ayurvedic treatment advocates the use of specific Ayurvedic herbs that have been found effective in Treating various kidney ailments. A few of them are:

  • Punarnava: Punarnava’s regenerative properties aid in The regeneration of kidney tissues. This herb is also known for Its rejuvenating and diuretic properties. Regular consumption of this herb boosts your kidney health.
  • Varuna: Varuna prevents the formation of oxalates in The body, thus preventing the formation of stones. Apart from this, this Ayurvedic herb improves overall renal health.
  • Gokshura: Gokshura prevents urinary problems caused by kidney failure. This herb also promotes healthy kidney functioning.
  • Pippali: Pippali’s anti-inflammatory properties help treat kidney cysts. It reduces the swelling caused by cysts in The kidneys. It also improves renal health. But, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before consuming any herbal medicine.


Panchakarma is a holistic treatment therapy consisting of five treatments Vamana, Basti, Rakta Moksha, Virechana, and Nasya. This therapeutic procedure cleanses the body from within and also lends a helping hand in Balancing the doshas within the body. Panchakarma is hugely beneficial in Detoxifying the body from within.

Foods to Include for Kidney Patients

Some of the must-have foods for Kidney patients are:

  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Garlic
  • Raspberries
  • Cranberries
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Cabbage
  • Grapes

Foods to Avoid for Kidney Patients

If you are a kidney patient, make sure you avoid:

  • Animal-based protein such as meat, fish, etc.
  • Processed foods
  • High-on salt dishes
  • Brown rice is high in Phosphorous, consume it in Moderation
  • Canned foods

Yoga and Meditation for Kidney Health

Yoga manages the symptoms associated with kidney diseases, improves blood flow toward the kidneys, and helps improve your renal functions so that you do not get kidney diseases in The first place. Some asanas that are beneficial for Kidney patients are:

  • Salamba Bhujangasana, or Sphinx Pose
  • Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend
  • Setu Bandhasana, or Bridge Pose
  • Shashankasana, or Hare Pose
  • Pawanmuktasana, or Release Pose
  • Mandukasana, or Frog Posture

Meditating for 4-5 minutes in The morning is also beneficial for Kidney patients, as it lowers down the stress levels in The body. Deep-breathing exercises, mindful meditation, etc. are pretty beneficial to manage stress in Kidney patients.

Top Centers for Kidney treatment in Himachal pradesh

If you want an Ayurvedic treatment for Your kidney ailments, then Karma Ayurveda Hospital is your best bet. Karma Ayurveda has a long legacy of providing affordable and effective treatment for All types of kidney ailments. Its head Dr. Puneet Dhawan is one of the best Ayurvedic kidney doctors in The world and has vast experience in Treating various kidney ailments.

Karma Ayurveda is equipped with best-in-class infrastructure to help you with your kidney treatment. Apart from this, the use of herbal therapies such as Panchakarma ensures that your treatment is well-rounded and treats you from within.

Treatment Journey

After booking an appointment with a nephrologist, you will be asked about your symptoms, medical history, diet habits, etc. You will be given a treatment plan after the initial discussion is over.

Diagnostic Procedure and Tests

Major tests that are used to diagnose kidney diseases are:

  • Ultrasound scan
  • MRI scan
  • CT scan
  • Kidney Biopsy

Developing a Treatment Plan

After the tests, a nephrologist will recommend you the treatment plan that is best suited for Your needs. If you are treating your kidney disease at an Ayurvedic institute like Karma Ayurveda, then you may be prescribed certain Ayurvedic medicines to treat your ailments. You will also be advised on your diet so that your kidney functioning improves significantly.

Follow-up and Monitoring

With any treatment, a proper follow-up is vital so that you don’t have a recurrence, more so with Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. The functioning of your kidneys will be checked frequently for The efficacy of the treatment provided and further course of action may be recommended, if required.


  • Q1. What is a kidney disease?

Ans. – When kidneys are not able to filter the wastes from your blood properly, then you are said to be suffering from kidney disease.

  • Q2. How fast can your kidney disease progress?

Ans. – It depends on the damage accumulated in The kidneys, presence of any underlying disease, etc. A disease like CKD progresses slowly. If you have diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, then the functioning of your kidneys deteriorates at a faster pace.

  • Q3. What are the stages of Kidney Failure?

Ans. – There are five stages of kidney failure:

Stage 1 – There is damage in The kidneys, but they function normally.
Stage 2 – Some loss in The functioning of the kidneys
Stage 3 - Mild to moderate loss in Kidney functions
Stage 4 – Severe loss in Kidney functions
Stage 5 – End-stage renal disease

  • Q4. Can you reverse kidney damage?

Ans. – Unfortunately no, however, you can work on slowing down the progression of the disease. With effective management of your symptoms, you can live a quality life even with a kidney disease.

  • Q5. When is a kidney transplant required?

Ans. – When your kidneys are not able to filter out toxins and the waste build-up in The body has reached extreme levels, then patients are recommended a kidney transplant.

Patient Testimonials


Parvati Devi

Many claim to offer the best ayurvedic medicines but only a few keep their words. I have consulted many ayurvedic hospitals for my high creatinine level but did not get the right treatment. Then my friend advised me to consult Karma Ayurveda as the last option, and all I can say that last served as the best!


Dinesh Kumar Pathak

I still remember the day when I was diagnosed with renal failure I had no idea about. Consulting Doctor Puneet Dhawan was the best decision I took at that time.



It was a life changing experience meeting a doctor that understands the pain you are going through. No doubt, Dr. Puneet Dhawan is worth recommending to everyone.

Gyan Chand

Gyan Chand

Karma Ayurveda as the name suggests offers Ayurvedic medicines for every kidney-related problem. I had elevated levels of creatinine 3 months back when I first visited him, followed his advice and diet plan, and took ayurvedic medicines and got sincere results.



Thank you very much Doctor Puneet Dhawan for letting my wife lead a healthy life once again. She was not able to even walk because of a kidney stone. Your ayurvedic medicines work truly empathetically for her. Gratitude!

Patient Videos

Kidney Treatment in Africa | Ayurveda Restored African Kidneys Incredibly | Dr. Puneet Dhawan
Kidney treatment in Jabalpur | Repair damage kidney without dialysis | Ayurvedic Treatment
How to Lower Creatinine Overnight | Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment in India


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026